Monday, April 30, 2007

Billy's Birthday

Today was Billy's 20th Birthday!

We took him out to dinner and he ordered his favorite cut of Steak... Prime Rib!

I can't believe he is 20!

One of the unique gifts that a parent experiences is from the moment their child is born is to see the day to day change that takes place. Only parents experience this. I mean, I know that I have friends & even brothers & sisters that I have known over the years and have seen them get older, grow, & change. It is just different with our own child. It is love on a whole new level. It was in the birth of my children when I felt what I think in relation to what the Lord feels for all He has created. That over whelming Love that is pure, unconditional, and that He would die for.

That is the gift I want for my children. To love with all they are, without restraint. I pray Billy feels that Love that is perfect & pure in some measure from his parents, but of course it is not...only a perfect Father can truly give him love like that & all that he needs....I pray he has received his heavenly father's pure, unconditional love & recognizes His presence in every minute in every hour & that the Lord says "You are worth dieing for."
Teach a child in the way that he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. I've heard this scripture translated in two ways. One is in the way the child is bent....and another is the Way of the Lord.....I like both translations but I'm praying for the second one!
We are so proud of Billy. He has a heart of gold.

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We are missionaries with The Brook Ministries in Costa Rica. We are here to help strengthen the church body of Jesus Christ & to fulfill His Great commission to the lost. At our conferences, my husband directs the recreational activities & excursions. I provide physical renewal with massage for the female attendees. We believe that regularly scheduled renewal of the body, mind, & spirit for ministry leaders in particular, will empower them to serve the Lord with renewed strength & perseverance to do what God has uniquely called them to do....SERVE & BUILD HIS CHURCH to the outermost parts of the world!