Saturday, August 25, 2007


Today at the spa there seemed to run a similiar thread throughout the day. Today was great fun and I laughed alot. Every one of my clients laughed alot too. I mean REALLY laughed.

I was the first one to arrive at the spa this morning. I decided that I was going to put some new music in all 5 discs. I hit the repeat button twice like I do to my personal CD player so that all 5 discs will continue to play in turn throughout the day.

Turns out, the first song played over and over again for 90 minutes. My client began to laugh hysterically about 20 minutes into her session. I began to laugh with her because she was laughing so hard. Everytime the song started up again we'd laugh real hard together. Nobody else noticed the song playing over and over again, it was hard to believe it! She was a good sport being a mother of 4 children under the age of 7, she was use to repetition.

My second client started laughing about the time the second song started to play. It sounded like a mexican chant song! She started waving her hands in the air like an orchestra leader! We both started cracking up! Ironically, by the end of the massage she was sound asleep!

My third client was the kicker. After she had settled onto the massage table and I walked in, the first thing she said to me was "Who was that playing on the CD?" I couldn't believe it. I was thinking she must hate this music too! I was thinking to myself I sure picked the winning CD's this morning and I began to laugh out loud. She started laughing too not knowing why and I explained to her that something about the CD's I put in the player this morning has caused alot of chuckles today. She told me she absolutely loved the music and wanted to know who it was and if we had it for sale! She wanted it for her son's engagement party and from there she never stopped talking & laughing throughout her massage.

I don't know what happened to the sound of the music with my last client. It just seemed to disapear into the background. This woman had had a visit with her chiropractor yesterday for an adjustment in her neck and he sent her to his massage therapist who severely bruised both her trapezius muscles. It was awful. She also had lymphodema in her left arm from having had breast cancer 12 years ago and never wore one of those arm braces recommended. I was reluctant to give her a massage but I was glad I did because she had an emotional release during the massage with sighs of smiles and laughter. She had a pleasant smile on her face and said she would definately be coming back in.

I came home and shared this with Steve and he also reminded me that this "music redundancy thing" happened on our vacation as well. We were sitting there eating breakfast while that country song "That's the way love goes babe" played on and on and on. We found it funny then too that nobody else seemed to notice but us two!

It's fun to laugh at silly nothing! It connects people and puts us at ease.

Thank you for the medicine Lord.....! It does our soul good!

Proverbs 17:22 "A cheerful heart is good medicine"

Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Hill Country

My husband and I just returned home tonight from a short vacation to the Hill Country. We had a good restful time. We saw lots of wildlife and exotic animal ranches along the way. What a neat way to live.
Getting away from the usual routine of my daily life, brings me a new perspective on how I want to live my life. Every time I go on vacation, I see how busy my life is. Everytime I go on vacation, I experience the blessings God has given me that I take for granted in my busyness.
The last few days I've been at a slower pace. I don't want to live life in a hurry. I want to experience and appreciate the beauty of a single flower, a child's smile, a warm "hello" & live a life through a lense of gratitude.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Heaven Means Forever

My daily reading:

Ezekiel 43:7

"This is where I will live among the Israelites Forever"

In these chapters about the rebuilding of the Temple in the tiniest detail, it reminds me of how much our Lord knows every detail about us. In the same way, He reveals a little at a time about himself to us.

In this descriptions of the details of rebuilding the temple, I see Him preparing us of what is to come as it is written in Rev. 22. Our imagination is small & he reveals this vision to Ezekiel for us to understand. He speaks of a place called heaven that will exist with God Himself as the Temple.

This verse is filled with hope and a promise for those who believe in Him. They will dwell with Him forever.

Dear Heavenly Father-

I am grateful that you have plans for those who love you & have placed their faith alone in you. There's not a single day that your not in the details. May all those who love you feel your presence & know your in all the details & that you live within us forever.

To Him be the glory forever-


Friday, August 17, 2007

Awaken the Soul

I discovered a new musician. He is an international steinway pianist and his music is powerful, breathtaking, restorative & moving, & very relaxing ...savor the time while listening. It is beautiful!
check him out:
*within the site, click on MUSIC & then click on any of the CD's listed and you will be able to hear briefly a few of selected songs.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Stephanie Ministries

Yesterday I received a call out of the blue from someone whom I've never met. I knew it had to be a wrong number cause the area code was unfamiliar. As the conversation progressed & unfolded, I realized the holy spirit was at work. This woman shared a vision the Lord had given her and she was just following through. I believe it to be an answer to a prayer I had longed for. I spoke with my husband about it and he as well was in agreement with me. As my husband and I embraced with tears in our eyes we realized the Lord had made a way in which surprised both of us. It overwhelmed us. We surely would have never in all our days figured out the creative way the Lord was answering this specific prayer. He's working while we are unaware and it just amazes me. The Lord surprises us in the most unexpected ways. He is so good! I believe this woman has been put into our lives for this purpose & in my heart I think there's more to come. I just don't know yet. When it does, you better believe I'll be posting about it!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Comfort in Touch

I love my work. I love what I do. It's more than making a living. It is a blessing to my heart each day. Yesterday (friday) I was blessed by a client I hadn't seen in a while. She's been coming to me for massage for almost 2 years now. She let's me in on her life and when life gets rough, she comes in for a healing touch. When you touch someone in love, it takes away the person's fear and they let love in their heart. I beleive that is why Jesus told his disciples not only to look at his nail scarred hands, but to touch them too. They could really see because their hearts where wide open. That's what touch opens the heart to receive love. She shared that her mother had passed away & then while at her mother's funeral, her aunt had a heart attack . A few days later, she moved her uncle into her home for about 2 weeks when he stood up one day and fell and died of a heart attack. She shared how blessed she was that the Lord had made it possible for her mother to live with her & to take care of her the last 5 months of her life. He reassured her that she did all she could do to help her mother especially being there with her to comfort her in her very last breath.

Today (Saturday) I also had a client I hadn't seen in awhile. She's a real nice lady. She had her first real full body massage today. Normally, she has reflexology to the hands and feet. I guess she's been coming since February. Something about her smile reminds me of my own mother.

Anyways, she also came in for some healing touch. She also had experienced 2 deaths last week of 2 people close to her. The Lord really showed off with her massage. He allowed me to give her just what she needed. I felt like hugging her, but I didn't!

I was reminded of what Jesus said. I felt inside their loss. I felt inside the longing of one more day. But, I also felt a peace. I asked the Lord to comfort them and give them His peace...that only He could give. I prayed that they would feel his touch in their hearts the lonely hours right before sleep. I prayed that the fear of death would subside being replaced by all the wonderful memories of time well spent with them. I prayed they could still rejoice within their mourning.

"Rejoice with those who rejoice. Mourn with those who mourn." Romans 12:15

"Look at my hands and feet. It is I myself! Touch and See" Luke 24:39


My photo
We are missionaries with The Brook Ministries in Costa Rica. We are here to help strengthen the church body of Jesus Christ & to fulfill His Great commission to the lost. At our conferences, my husband directs the recreational activities & excursions. I provide physical renewal with massage for the female attendees. We believe that regularly scheduled renewal of the body, mind, & spirit for ministry leaders in particular, will empower them to serve the Lord with renewed strength & perseverance to do what God has uniquely called them to do....SERVE & BUILD HIS CHURCH to the outermost parts of the world!