Wednesday, July 18, 2007

More than Skin (deep) Condition

I'm feeling a little down dooby do down down right now. When I woke up this morning I had decided I'd had enough. I did all I could do. The rash I've had on my body for the last 2 weeks was starting to go up to my face. It turns out I have a chronic skin condition called Eczema. No one knows for sure what causes it. Some findings conclude that it is hereditary, is some kind of allergic reaction possibly from certain food, circulatory problems in the legs, or allergens in the environment. Some studies show that stress may exasperate the condition.
I went to my doctor and he gave me a powerful cream to put on the areas two times a day. About two hours later I could see it was diminishing. Thank goodness! It was really getting to me. I don't know why I waited so long...actually I do know...I thought it would eventually go away and I was treating it myself. Boy, I sure can relate this to my flesh in a deeper way... intently as I look in the mirror....

When it finally sinks in that we have a problem, alot of damage has already taken place. We agonize and suffer needlessly thinking we got all the answers. We bring alot upon ourselves and others when we try to take care of everything we aren't meant to take care of. Self sufficiency hurts us and hurts others. Self sufficiency is saying we don't need God or others, but his seed planted in us from creation says that's impossible.
We were made to love and be loved in relationship to care for one another. It is the greatest commandment. How could we live without love? I can only imagine what Adam must have felt the first time he saw Eve. I would think he felt an instant connection and enormous love. She was part of him and he received life by the breath of God. That's relationship! But further still...the reality is "We love because He first loved us"

I want to look around at God's creation today in a new way. Think about all the details we can't even fathom... What a master plan he created and designed and how everything fits into place.
God created us to be in a loving & eternal relationship with Him....God created us to help one another. God created man & woman together to love one another. God created the heavens and the earth for us to have communion....
God gave us a return that love....
to remove the choice....would be to remove the love.

Thank you dear Lord for giving us the opportunity to have a relationship with you & to worship you. Thank you Lord for teaching us how to love one another & may we get better and better at loving one another the way that you love us. Help us remove the blinders we sometimes have on our eyes & to see into the heart of others rather than looking from outward appearances only. For it is only true love when it is given away and true love when it is freely received.
In the name of Jesus

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We are missionaries with The Brook Ministries in Costa Rica. We are here to help strengthen the church body of Jesus Christ & to fulfill His Great commission to the lost. At our conferences, my husband directs the recreational activities & excursions. I provide physical renewal with massage for the female attendees. We believe that regularly scheduled renewal of the body, mind, & spirit for ministry leaders in particular, will empower them to serve the Lord with renewed strength & perseverance to do what God has uniquely called them to do....SERVE & BUILD HIS CHURCH to the outermost parts of the world!