Tuesday, September 28, 2010

An Ant's Life

Can you imagine how heavy that leaf is to the ant? That ant is called a "leafcutter" here in Costa Rica. I see them everywhere. I've been on a quest to see an army of them all in single file. I thought it would make an interesting photo. It just amazes me how even the little ant is burdened with a heavy load. He manages to carry it to his destination. Only difference between what the ant was carrying and what we carry is neccesity. There is so much we carry that is not neccesity. So, as a reminder to me and to you, let go of what is not neccesary for you to carry. Give it to God. Only carry what is necessary. You will have a much lighter load and a free hand for someone else!
On further reflection, it just might be that the load you carry is a sacrifice that is costing your faith to stretch. The Lord sacrificed His life for us and carried all our sins to the cross. What sacrifice is the Lord asking you to carry no matter what the cost or how heavy it is ? To be a christian it is in sharing in the sufferings of Christ we become like him and in dying to ourselves we truly live.

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We are missionaries with The Brook Ministries in Costa Rica. We are here to help strengthen the church body of Jesus Christ & to fulfill His Great commission to the lost. At our conferences, my husband directs the recreational activities & excursions. I provide physical renewal with massage for the female attendees. We believe that regularly scheduled renewal of the body, mind, & spirit for ministry leaders in particular, will empower them to serve the Lord with renewed strength & perseverance to do what God has uniquely called them to do....SERVE & BUILD HIS CHURCH to the outermost parts of the world!