Sunday, January 16, 2011

4th Pastor's conference

Just got home last night from the conference. I'm so grateful and blessed! I'm actually recuperating, reflecting, & just chillin at home today. The worship led by Rebecca quickly centered our focus in praise. Her voice and gentle & loving spirit does that so well! The teaching from Stuart & Jill Bricoe brought God's spirit, his presence of love, peace & understanding. I hung on every word Jill Briscoe spoke. It was as if she was talking directly to me. She talked about seeking wisdom and passing it on. She also touched my heart deeply when she talked about missing and worrying about her children and grandchildren as well as the balance of ministry and marriage in the ways the Lord had spoke to her and sustained her. What wisdom she imparted to us all. Stuart chose to speak on 2 Corinthians for the answers on "Sustainability in Ministry." It also happens to contain my favorite verses of scripture! We all have our favorite verses, right?(2 Cor. 4:16-18)
It was evident that the pastors and their wives were renewed in God's strength and in His power with alot of refreshment. Along with the excursions and massage, it nourished the whole person by challenging them physically as they explored God's beautiful creation, and massage to foster healing, relaxation, forgiveness and learning to be good to themselves. New friends were made & relationships restored. God is amazing in the work he does when God's people come together seeking His truth. This conference was different than the other 3 because it was all in English. Wow! To be apart of this ministry of helping Pastors and their spouses to get away from their daily lives to hear from God in a deliberate way by pulling them aside and loving them is far more valuable than I had ever known. These conferences help them in more ways then we know for sure. During the testimony time it was shared what the conference meant to them and how it will help them serve God with their whole heart, mind, & strength. What we do know is that their churches will be strengthened and with that strengthening, they will take that strength out to their community and the community will be strengthened and the community will grow because God is in it!
Like a stack of touch the first one and all will be touched right on down the line!
Thank you Lord for your Touch in our lives to serve you. Thank you Lord for your presence in and through these servants our yours. My prayer is that this conference will live out in ways beyond what I could dream of....ultimately saving the lives of many for your kingdom. Thank you for enriching our lives and thank you for the brothers and sisters of Christ laboring in your love.


Unknown said...

I love thinking about how God is using you guys to strengthen the church and minister to so many! praying for you guys and missing you! Love, Sheryl Pepple

Kel's Blog said...

thank you Sheryl. It is such an honor. I truly hope that you can come for a visit.

Miss Dottie said...

Steve filled me in on the conference. He was so pumped ... it was easy to get excited right along with him. You and Steve are doing an amazing job!


My photo
We are missionaries with The Brook Ministries in Costa Rica. We are here to help strengthen the church body of Jesus Christ & to fulfill His Great commission to the lost. At our conferences, my husband directs the recreational activities & excursions. I provide physical renewal with massage for the female attendees. We believe that regularly scheduled renewal of the body, mind, & spirit for ministry leaders in particular, will empower them to serve the Lord with renewed strength & perseverance to do what God has uniquely called them to do....SERVE & BUILD HIS CHURCH to the outermost parts of the world!