Saturday, December 6, 2008

Are you lIstening?

Today was one of those days
those good days that you know
couldn't have happened by chance.
What chance anyway?

Not just Pneumonia
but Double Pneumonia
that's a pretty obvious illness

just a few days into recovery
and she walks in wanting an 85 minute
Hot Stone Deep Tissue Combo....

Opportunity knocks....that's when the Lord said (not really)
"Use what I taught you"
"You know what she needs"
As I reflect back...

How easily I fail to remember what the Lord has done
time and time again
Whenever He teaches me something, before I realize it...
here's comes the opportunity that follows

The Lord is teaching me to live expectantly
for what He's going to do...anticipate opportunity
being reliable and expressing faith,
"For without it, it is impossible
to please Him" (Hebrew 11:6)

It is God who has been faithful in the past
I've seen what He has done
His promises are true

I want to be like Samuel who said
"Speak Lord, for your servant hears." (1 Samuel 4:10)
Elijah who was expecting God to answer when he called Him
to reign down fire from heaven.

Without you Lord, I am nothing

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We are missionaries with The Brook Ministries in Costa Rica. We are here to help strengthen the church body of Jesus Christ & to fulfill His Great commission to the lost. At our conferences, my husband directs the recreational activities & excursions. I provide physical renewal with massage for the female attendees. We believe that regularly scheduled renewal of the body, mind, & spirit for ministry leaders in particular, will empower them to serve the Lord with renewed strength & perseverance to do what God has uniquely called them to do....SERVE & BUILD HIS CHURCH to the outermost parts of the world!