Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Love

We celebrated Christmas so differently this year than we ever have the past 30 years. We had no tree, no decorations, and no family. We spent the day of Christmas eve at the beach with Janene & Brian as it was their last day of "Vacation with a Purpose." I remember laying down flat on the beach in a warm embrace of peace when all of a sudden I heard just to my left fireworks going off. Here in Costa Rica fireworks go off every evening on the weekend! I was reminded that every day is simply something to celebrate. Seeing a roman candle go off in the daytime says more about celebration than filling a night sky with color. It is celebrating the savior's birth!
After we dropped off the Smales at the Lucas home, we arrived back home and gave our neighbors the gifts we got them. Little Emil's mom has come over a few times to chat and share a cup of coffee with me. I'm amazed at what you can talk about and understand speaking two different languages to one another! I was reminded that love is it's own language. It comes from the heart. What a gift friendship is. From there, we headed on over to the Lucas' for a special Christmas dinner that Angela had for all of us. It was scrumptous! & so was the wine! I was reminded that friends love no matter what.
On Christmas morning we got to talk with our children and family on skpe. What a blessing it was to see them all together without us. I never have missed a Christmas with my children before and God has provided for us a way. It may not be the same as being together, but it's all we got. I miss them so much. I am grateful for a program like skype that I get to see their faces. I don't think I want to miss another Christmas without them. Next year will be different. Later on for dinner,we got picked up by our new friends Russ & Shirley. We made a couple of new friends too! We all brought a dish and ate a great meal together. It was funny and great that we all ended up going back to our houses to get our dogs to join the Christmas celebration with us. We had just as many people as there were dogs! All the dogs got along and I was reminded that where the spirit of God is there is peace and goodwill.
Thanking God for His presence, His reminders, my husband & children, the gift of friendship with my friends both old & new, and for the babe born on Christmas Day who makes everything possible!


It seems every year after Christmas, I always yearn even more for the Lord’s second coming. As Christmas day approaches, I think of the way He humbly came into the world as a baby born of an unknown virgin from Palestine. The “WORD” became human flesh and dwelt among us. His birth was only announced to a few shepherds. A few wise kings seeked him out. I think about how in the gospel of John it says that the true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world. Although the world was made through Him, the world did not recognize Him.
When the day finally comes, nothing about His second coming will be secretive. EVERYONE will see it. Jesus said that the gospel of the kingdom would be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations and then the end would come. In other words, the task of world missions will be completed and not a single person will be left out.
“At the time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory.” Matthew 24:30
What a complete contrast to the way He came into the world!
The world still carries on with business the day after Christmas. The second coming of Christ will be an earth shattering event. Nothing about it will be a secret. Man will not be able to hide or pretend or ignore Him!
Are you ready?

Friday, December 24, 2010


As I was reading the story in the gospel of Luke about the man who was asking for bread not for himself, but for someone else in need; I thought about our 2 couples Angel & Tanya Cheek & Brian & Janine Smale that have been here in Costa Rica with The Brook Ministries “Vacation with a Purpose."
This story takes place at midnight! That tells me it was a desperate situation. The man had nothing to give to his friend, so he had to leave his home to go ask someone else for bread so he could return and give it to his friend.
How many of us have bread to give someone else? How many of us have no bread to give someone else who needs it? I believe the object of when Jesus said at the end of the Lord’s prayer “Give us this day our daily bread” is not only that we may have our needs met, but that we may receive something spiritually and physically and in turn pass it on to someone else.
Many of us are willing to share the spiritual bread, but reluctant to let go of the physical bread. Some will minister spiritually, but will not be anxious to help someone temporally. Sometimes it’s easier to just pray for orphans, than it is to do something tangible to help them.
For these 2 couples, they gave of themselves in both of these ways. They gave out of the overflow of their daily bread that they received from the Lord. They have not only enjoyed God’s physical & spiritual blessings, but have had the privilege of sharing them with those less fortunate. YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!

DAILY Pray for physical Bread…..DAILY Pray for Spiritual Bread

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Growing Pains

Like any good relationship, it takes work, it takes acceptance, it takes communication down to the core, to get to the issue at hand. It takes knowledge and understanding because no two people are alike or think alike. It's like a snowflake that God has made differnt and unique like no other. It takes understanding and God's great love within us to overcome our own selfish desires and to put on his understanding and not our very own.

a servant is the least....the last shall be first and the first shall be last. To me, there is great satifaction in that. For Jesus is our example. He took on the sin of the world and yet had great understanding far beyond our own comprehesion. It was narrow focus on what the father wanted, what the father would be proud of and what the father ultimately would accomplish by having his son die on a cross for the sins of the world.
Our relationship with Christ and how we allow him to work through us is ultimately the joy of our lives. The choice is ours, the result is contentment that this physical world can not give. It means service with excellence and giving all for His glory and to show the world just how marvelous He is!
As we live each day in relationships it's in small ways our love is evident in little ways day by day. Our relationship with Christ is to be lived out daily in love. It will be manifest in our desire to offer up every "least" thing to Him, to do the smallest task faithfully, confess the "little" sins quickly, be strict with our minutes as well as our hours.
"Do you love me?" Jesus asks.
"Why of course Lord- didn't I do this great thing for you?
"But child- I am looking for something much smaller."
"Do you care about our relationship" asks the wife.
"Why of course Dear- didn't I buy you this grand house?"
"Yes my husband, I'm looking for something much smaller. I'm looking for understanding, a tender word or touch day by day"
There are smaller things that matter more at the moment. Seize those moments. Be a life of Love

Monday, December 13, 2010


The last few weeks have really flown by. We've been on the move!
A few weeks ago we went with some friends to attend their church down in Jaco. The services are in English & Spanish and they have a good mix of people too. The Pastor is from the states and he started the church about 5 years ago. There is a problem of theft, drugs, and prostitution in this area. We heard 4 life changing testimonies and I was really surprised when Steve went up there. It was God's call for him to speak as well as for us to attend this service. It ended with some powerful prayer and praise.
On Friday we attended a benefit Spaghetti dinner for the English speaking church Pastor here in Atenas. His name is Bob and the money that was raised will help support his medical bills as he just got out of the hospital healing from heart surgery. The picture is his wife Marlene and the owners of Kay's Gringo Postres(Kay & Tom). The restaurant is well known by all the gringos. It was great to meet new people and connect and so wonderful for the community to get together to support Bob.

Yesterday we went to our church's annual Christmas party held at a beautiful place that I heard was owned by Channel 23. We loaded up the Bushwacker and brought a few families so they could attend. It was a wonderful service with lots of praise, then we shared a good meal together and alot of the children went swimming. It warmed our hearts to see the childrens happy faces when they received their Christmas present. Pastor Oldermar passed them out to each child by name. Three church members stood up and shared their testimonies and Pastor Oldemar made a point by expressing how grateful he was for all the new people the Lord has brought to the church this year from all over the world and then he named them specifically too. They have welcomed us and made us feel apart of the family with plenty of opportunity to serve. We really like our new church family!
We've been praying to fill our next conference in January. Please pray with us as this is our first U.S. Pastors event. Steve and I have been working a little each day on our individual ministries and missionary support. I've been working on contacting the Pastor's wives from the past 3 conferences to follow up with them with another massage and to help them by providing education materials on the importance of physical renewal. I've got my first appointment scheduled today! I'm excited! Steve is going to be my driver! I'm also in the process now of building a database of health tips to pass out to their specific need & I pray for a workshop in the future for these ladies in the area of health and wellness. Please pray for wisdom,direction,& fluidity with my daily schedule for the best use of my time when I'm not serving at our conferences. I'm in process of working at a quiropractic office in town and starting my own massage business in our home to help support our living expenses and another tent-making opportunity on the horizon. God is good! Thank you for your support & prayers friends!

Friday, December 3, 2010


Yesterday was The Brook Teams last day for spanish class for awhile. It was a memorable finish especially since we celebrated two members of the teams birthdays! That would be my love Steve and Steve and Angela's daughter Stephanie. Steve's birthday was on the first and Stephanie's is today the 3rd.
The school had the works: a pinata and a delicious birthday cake for them and afterwards we played two games that challenged us with speaking in spanish. It was alot of fun!
I feel so blessed to be apart of this great team! And I am in agreement and prayer with the director as she blessed them both by saying " I pray for continued health and many more prosperous years!" God Bless you my Love!....God Bless You Stephanie! & FELIZ CUMPLEANOS!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giving all you have

Giving all you have.

I was reading in the book of Luke tonight about the widow’s offering and what Jesus said to His disciples about her. He made it a point to teach them something about giving. He said “ This poor widow has put in more than all the others.”
It wasn’t about the money. It was about sacrifice. Jesus saw all the wealthy people put money in the offering. It’s as if He didn’t notice the size of their offering,, but the abundance they kept for themselves after they gave to God and it’s as if He didn’t notice the size of the widow’s offering either, but He noticed that she didn’t have anything left. It was all she had to live on as Jesus said. She would starve. So, it didn’t cost the wealthy anything and for the widow it cost her everything.
How much did it cost us to give our money, our time, our service, our talent? How much did it cost us to become a missionary or to become a pastor?
We see the offering.....God sees the sacrifice

Sunday, November 21, 2010

1 Thess 5:16-18 & Mom

Today I'm thankful for God's word. It brings life better than any kinda medicine! I got a triple dose this morning at church. For weeks Pastor Oldemar has been preaching from the book of 1 Thessalonians and we are coming close to the end of the book at chapter 5 verse 16-18. These verses have alot of significance for me, especially today, the 21st of November. Today is the day 11 years ago that my mother went home to be with the Lord. It is also 11 years ago today that the Lord gave me these specific scriptures as a celebration of her life and now as a rememberance of her life. These verses are ones that I remember well, for I included them in the write up obituary for the newspaper. I still remember. This morning as I listened, by heart burned inside for I felt the Holy Spirit speak to my heart as I realized what day it was after I heard the scripture. Wow!

"Be Joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."

So, I'm reminded and encouraged to keep loving more and more, to stand firmly in the faith, to work with my hands, to not grieve like those with no hope, & whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with Him....

I'm reminded that....deep JOY is not comes from constant communion with my heavenly thanks IN ALL circumstances....that's the proof of JOY..knowing He's got the world in His Hands....The JOY is in KNOWING... The Joy is in COMMUNION

I'm also believing my mom taught me these who she was and who she is.
Thank you Lord for your word and thank you Lord for my loving mother. Your word is like opening a new wrapped gift everytime.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Time moving Be still

It's seems the dry season here in Costa Rica is upon us. The transition is happening. We are having less and less rain. It didn't rain today and yesterday it rained in the evening for about 10 minutes.
We welcomed the rain each day. It was a comfort to us because we knew to expect it. A good soaking gave water to every living thing. However, it also brought alot of damage and death.
It seems I've been in a transition for about a week now. And even though I knew to expect it, it didn't make it any easier. We've lived here In Costa Rica for 3 months and I believe the honeymoon is over and real life begins here.
I trust God to take care of our needs and the needs of the ministry, but now I'm feeling the desperation in it. In my devotional reading I reread the story of Hannah and it spoke so clearly to me. Her story is one of desperation. It is a story of transition, of breakthrough, and obedience. All these I have poured out my soul to the Lord. I have reached a place of peace. I praise God and give Him the glory. For only He can do the impossible
Dear Lord,
Help me Father, enable me to depend on you to do what I can not do. Help me to remember that you depend on me to do what I can do. Thank you Lord for your promise to fit things together in spite of our plans as you put order to our steps. All I need to see is what is in front of me. I trust you Lord, everything is totally under your control.
In the precious name of Jesus

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Bicky's double Ducha de Bebé

This afternoon Steve and I were invited to our next door neighbor Bicky's double baby shower. Both her twin sons wives are both pregnant and both are expecting (boys)in December...on my birthday! See if you can figure out some of the games we played...

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Scenic, Sunny, & Stormy...Solo Bueno!

Right this minute Pastor Dan and his wife Stephanie are sitting in the airport waiting on their flight to take off. It was our pleasure to serve them this week. It has been a week packed full of all kinds of adventure, times of relaxation & reflection, physical & spiritual renewal.
Yesterday, Steve and I brought them to La Paz Watergardens and took them to the Poas Volcano. Lots of towns along the way. I'm pretty sure La Paz was their favorite place. They certainly were good sports when we had to wait around 3 hours for the road to clear of a trailer accident on our way back from the San Luis Canopy tour. The morning started out with a group waterfall hike as the theme for the day was physical renewal. The massage I gave Stephanie that evening helped work out her tense muscles. I think Dan really liked the Tarzan swing and Stephanie liked the Superman Line. She said now she could imagine what it felt like to fly!
The day Steve and I took them to Herradura beach it began to rain about 30 minutes after we got there and just as we approached for lunch at Villa Calletas Resort, the rain really hit and stormed hard while the fog clouds really got thick. You couldn't see a thing! They experienced that full "Rainforest" affect. I took that as a sign that no matter what goes on around us, we can always rejoice within the storm. It was a day picked for marital renewal. Even though it rained and the spectacular view was not to be seen, the reality is, that the beauty was found in each other. They have a wonderful, beautiful and loving marriage!
They learned alot at The Britt Coffee Tour. It was funny to me that Dan had the same thoughts like me about the similarities of the process of our salvation as the process of a coffee bean. I wrote a blog about it a few weeks ago when Steve and I visited the coffee plantation here in Atenas.
I pray now for their safe arrival home. I can see their two boys wrapping their arms around Mommy and Daddy and welcoming them home. They got some trip gifts to pass out!
I pray the Lord gave them a gift here during their time here in Costa Rica that they will keep for the rest of their lives!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Latin American Pastor Conference #2 & #3

The Brook Ministries Latin American Pastors Conferences were so good! For 6 days The Brook team arrived every morning around 5:30am and most nights we travelled back home around 8pm. We went straight to bed! The coverage of your prayers smoothed the way for the pastors and their wives to learn new ways of handling conflict within their churches. Many had never had this kind of formal training. It had been years since many of the couples had free time together and time set aside with other pastoral couples. All but one person had ever been on a canopy tour. All but one of the wives had ever had a massage before. They were so excited to actually have the time to relax, fellowship, worship, & laugh together, and unwind in such a beautiful place such as Vista del Valle Resort. The last night at "testimony time" for each conference group, was a deeply moving experience of powerful sharing,prayer and worship. As a result, the needs are known and the direction can be easily seen. Keep your eye out for the ways you can continue to help by reading Pastor Steve Lucas' blog and The Brook Newsletter.
As for my part at the conferences, I gave ever bit of my energy, my love & prayers to each woman I served. His joy, His peace, & His love that it brought to our spirit was the gift we each received. It is so real that we are more blessed when we give than when we receive.
My spanish isn't so great, but better than it was at the first Latin conference in January. I also was better supplied. I created a spanish health history form, a spanish Massage Menu, and had matching "Ministerio del Arroyo" labels on each of the massage gift bags given to each woman along with a bottled water. About half of them wanted a Hot Stone Massage. One of the ladies gave me a beautiful scarf that she got on a mission trip to Chile. On the last morning of the last conference I was given strength first thing in the morning. I was really dragging and I'd been praying that the Lord would give me strength and he did. The first lady for massage took my hands and prayed for them. It moved me and gave me encouragement, strength, & power for the rest of the day! God is so good, He always is faithfull and gives us what we ask for. I will never forget her face or the power of her prayer!
After these 3 conferences, is it so obvious that Latin American Pastors and their wives are getting what they have prayed for....God is faithful and His church here in Central America is being built up, equipped, and strengthened to reach further into some remote areas and into the 10/40 window.
I am looking forward to serving the next conference in January for U.S. Pastors and the wives!
Please don't miss the opportunity to send your Pastor and his spouse. You can't even imagine how good this will be for him and his spouse & how far reaching it really is! Pay it forward!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

"Hi!" verses "Hola"

Everyday we go walking. We walk to the grocery store, we walk to the bank, we walk to the gym, we walk to church, and to any other place we need and would like to go. Steve and I realized this morning what a blessing it has been to just walk. We would be missing so much if we drove in a car everywhere. We would miss the opportunity to meet our neighbors. We would have missed the encounter with a dear woman this morning. We will be praying for her and her family. Each day we meet new people. We say "Hola!" as we pass by the neighbors that are usually outside their homes along the way into town. It's getting pretty regular that people must be saying..."There's those gringos again!" On our walk this morning to church, we happen upon a gentlemen who said "Hi!" I was taken aback. Not that the tico said "Hi" but that the word itself sounded strange! I guess that was a clue to me that I'm adjusting to the culture and the language is getting into me! LOVE it! DIOS ES BUENO!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Friends build us up!

Yesterday I was reminded how important friends are and how we need each other. We've met alot of people here in Costa Rica and have made quite a few friends. Emilio came by yesterday to chat. He is a very nice man and there is always laughter being in his presence. He made these chairs for us and he's building us a bookshelf. My husband met a friend at the gym named Russ. He's a kind hearted guy who Steve became instant friends with. He's been helping us get the bushwacker some parts. We are getting to know our friends at bible study who are Abraham & Claire, Cerca and Red along with Pastor Steve and Angela. Abraham is an outstanding teacher!He gives a jewish perspective since he is a jewish christian. This is all new stuff! Pastor Steve is very knowledgeable and with them along side of us,we are learning far more than we had ever before about God's word.
Last night we were invited to Vicky's house for a memorial service for her husband Horst who went home to the Lord on October 2nd. Abraham and Claire came to pick us up. There were alot of people at her home. We shared a few songs and shared a great meal and fellowship. Our new friends Cindy and Tom were there with their children. Cindy is a volunteer nurse at Hogar de Vida Orphanage and her husband Tom works for a mission organization called EMI. We attend Iglesia Biblica with them as well.
eThis morning was our last class in spanish. Our teacher Isabel took us to the beautiful park in Atenas.Our assignment was to ask people walking by if we could ask them some questions so we could practice our spanish. What a great experience! The people are so friendly here in Costa Rica. We will begin a new session in spanish after our conferences. I hope that Isabel will once again be our teacher. We don't want to loose what we have learned so far and want to continue our friendship with her.
When we returned home from school, we noticed Vicky was home and we rang the bell at her gate. She gave us a big hug and she shared a little bit about her family things that you wouldn't talk to a stranger about. The Lord has given us friends for strength and encouragement. I hope to be that friend to her.
I am grateful to God for all the friends He is putting in our lives. I thank God for them.
There is strength in numbers.
A threefold cord is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Aroma is Divine!

Anyone who knows me, knows how much I LOVE COFFEE! So, when we went on our coffee tour yesterday, I was excited! Our spanish teacher Senora Isabel met us up at the catholic church in town and we took a taxi to CoopeAtenas. All the cofee growers in this area have formed a union. This way they are not competing with one another, but work together and through it give back to the community.
The process of turning a coffee bean into a cup of coffee is something I'd never thought about until moving here. Our tour guide took us around and showed us each stage the beans went through before being put in a bag for market. Those little beans are cleaned and dried. They are kept a little humid for the removal of the outer hard shell. Then they go through another cleaning with heated water in a huge round mixer. It removes all the debris. The trail leads to another machine that separates the beans by shape and size.(this determines the quality of the bean and in which bag they go in) Lastly, is the removing of the inner shell by fire. The beans that are lower quality are put out in rows to dry in the sun.
I thought about the process we go through from the beginning of our salvation to the working out of our salvation. It's all good. We are in good hands. We will be cleaned by the removal of debris, we will experience intense heat as that hard exterior and inner shell is removed. The the hands of God can mold and shape us, being ready in an out of season for market. Cleansing brings communion with God! Taste and see that the Lord is Good!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sharing my heart

I’m writing to you today to share my heart with you. I know there are some of you that are honestly wondering why in the world did we get rid of all our stuff, sell our home, and leave all our friends and even our families. Why go to another country? Can’t you serve God in Texas? How did we get involved with The Brook Ministries? Could it be that you were trying to get away from a job you didn’t like? Were you just looking to retire?
These are all good questions. I just thought it would be good to lay it all out because I feel that many are wondering and I hope that by clarifying some things, that you will take a hold of the vision that God has a hold of us.
Now, Pastor Steve Lucas is the director and he was the first one that God gave the vision to. I remember hearing about The Brook Ministries and remember thinking how awesome a ministry it would be. At the same time, I was planning a trip to Costa Rica to go on a Medical Massage Certification program. I ended up in a tent for ten days all by myself and had extensive time to pray, read my bible, and hear from the Lord. The Lord put in my mind and in my heart a spiritual connection to the body of Christ in Costa Rica. How I understood the Holy spirit speaking to my heart, was that the body of Christ was made up of many parts and that I had a part to play, & that some parts of the body needed some tender care and mostly that the body of Christ needed one another. I had a fresh stirring within me and an expectation that God was doing a new work in me and I couldn’t pinpoint what that would look like. I didn’t know that when I returned home from that trip, things were going to change pretty rapidly.
When Pastor Steve approached my husband Steve about him possibly being involved with the ministry, it was as if Jesus said “Follow me.” I’ve been married to Steve for almost 30 years and I can honestly say that this has been the desire of his heart for many years. It was as if God opened the flood gates and released his purposes for him after waiting for this his whole life. From all our past experiences and up until the present time, the gifts, our personalities, & talents that the Lord has given to us, is a perfect fit with the vision of The Brook Ministries. This is not about us, but a perfectly fit plan that was already set in place.
The ministry of The Brook Ministries gets us excited because we are a part of something God is using to strengthen His church! We are a part of something bigger than ourselves! We get excited at the opportunity to serve pastors and their wives who give so much of themselves to God’s people. We want & will provide for them opportunities for physical renewal, a time of restoration to renew their souls, a time to renew their relationship with their spouse, a time to make new friends, and time to relax with no demands, distractions, or commitments. We all know how important it is to our well being to take care of ourselves. The battles we face as Christians are in the mind, the physical body, & in our emotions. We must take care of our leaders to grow healthy churches. Healthy churches go beyond just inside their own doors. They go refreshed in God’s power to share his love, his grace, and his word to this world who desperately need it. It’s about saving lives. That’s what the vision is all about! We are passionate about being missionaries for building God’s kingdom. This is our part in this life He has given us. We are not wasting time, but providing a time for those to make the most of it so they can be the most for God. And ultimately that’s what we want. We want to give to God the time He has given us and do the most good with what He has given us to do.
That’s why we have left everything. All we have is right now and we are getting on with making a difference for His kingdom. Now, I ask you…..boldly…..will you help us? You are part of the Body of Christ. We need your support in this. We are excited as the next two conferences for Latin American Pastors is fast approaching on Oct 18th thru the 23rd. It costs us $500.00 for a couple to attend and we invite 15 couples to each conference. In 2011, we have scheduled nine Latin American Pastors Conferences and two U.S. Pastors Conferences scheduled for January & June. We have a full schedule and lots of work to do to prepare.
Just as we can’t do this without the Lord leading us, we can’t do this without you. Will you pray and support us with a monthly donation of $20.00-$25.00? That’s all we are asking for. If you can give more that is good. We want you to be a part of our team , to take hold of the vision that is changing lives. Humbly I say, there is nothing more valuable than God’s creation walking in the freedom of their creator. Will you take hold of that and plant it in your heart and give out of the abundance he has stored up in you?
I have another idea of a way to support the ministry by getting others involved with your efforts. Maybe at your job you receive tips from your clients. You could set aside $5 for each tip you receive & collect it and send it to us at the end of the month. You could possibly raise your rates by $5 or $10 and tell your client you are donating the increase to the ministry. They could match it with an additional tip!
There is opportunity for you to pray during the conferences as well as getting involved in our “Vacation with a Purpose.” Check The Brook website for information and to make an automatic monthly donation go to I also have a blog that I post about living life here in Atenas, Costa Rica.
Please let us know if we can answer any questions you might have about our ministry and how we can serve & pray for you. Again, thank you for your financial support and prayers to this ministry.
Will you do it now? The need is great….and great is the need!
Blessings in Christ,
Kelly & Steve

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Birdcage & The Funeral

What a great evening we had at "The Little Theatre Group of Costa Rica" We saw the movie made into a play called "The Birdcage" The actor Robin Williams had starred in it years ago. My husband and I had thought we had heard of it before but we weren't absolutely sure. When the lights went on for the first scene, four men dressed as woman came out dancing! I was stunned and my husband started laughing and then I started laughing too. I mean, it was suppose to be funny, wasn't it? I just didn't hear anybody else laughing. The acting was really good and I kinda wondered if some of them were really acting! But, it was very entertaining nonetheless! I ended up with a migraine by the time we got home and woke up this morning with it.
This morning our neighbor Bicky yelled out to my husband whom she could see from the open window that her huband had died in the night. There were 2 police cars at her house and now we knew why. There have been cars coming and going all day. I never met her husband Horace but my husband had when he brought a pie to their house that we had bought them up at the market. I was cooking dinner when my husband went over to their home. They invited him in and he stayed a bit and got to know them. I met Bicky as we were walking past her gate and my husband & I both knew she was a special lady and we instantly felt a special love for her. Bicky told us that her husband had a bad heart and that the doctors had said that they could do nothing for him. We got a phone call just a while ago to come to her house because they were fixin to have the funeral. Wow, that was quick. They don't waste anytime here in Costa Rica. The open casket was right in the center of the room and there was Bicky over it. Some of the people from our Tuesday night bible study were there as well as our pastor and other family and friends. We all got in a large cirlce and some prayed in English and some in spanish and sang some hymns in spanish and some in English. It was beautiful and from the prayers of those that loved him, he was a good man and a man of God. He is at peace now and with the Lord. He sees him now face to face. Even now as I write this, I hear the cars still coming and going at Bicky's house. Praise God for all His blessings and for life eternal!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Cooking Costa Rican Style!

As part of the curriculum of the spanish school we are attending, the school offered to us a few extra outside activities to acclimate ourselves with the ways of the Costan Rican culture. This evening The Brook Team went for a cooking class at the home of a local Tica woman. I think her name sounded like Letrysa. When we arrived she welcomed us in her beautiful home and gestured for us to sit down. What we didn't know and found out quickly was that she had no idea why we were there! Yet, she was so kind as we just waltz in her home and sat down. One by one and step by step she had each of us share in making a typical costa rican meal. We first made a salad. We then squeezed the lemons to make some fresh lemonade, & then the corn empanadas. Delicioso! She topped it off with a wonderful unique dessert of iced milk with nuts and jello. She talked slowly and pleasant. Such kindness to share with us her love of cooking, her heart for sharing, and the pride of her country.
Costa Ricans are people who live for enjoying the present moments of their lives one day at a time and don't seem to be worried about tomorrow, but make the most of today. I love that and have longed for that simplicity. I am learning what it really means to slow down to stop and smell the roses.
I'm grateful too for the moments of today. It is all we really have by the way, at the moment.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Rain & Lunch

The last few days have been raining ALOT. Heard that some neighbors in town had to evacuate their homes last night due to the intense rain that wants to possibly slide their home away! The rivers are running rapid around here and are as black as coffee! We have still gone up to town each day to work out and then again this morning to pay our bills. I found it really hard to sleep last night because of the thunder and intense raining. I pray for the folks who don't have a place right now to rest their head and I praise God at the same time for what the rain provides. Right now the wind is picking up and it is getting rather chilly. It's time to enjoy lunch and to praise God for being alive, for providing for our needs, for a roof over our heads, for my husband to share my life with over a yummy meal! This is a typical lunch for us: The Costa Rican Gallo Pinto(rice & black beans)( I use brown rice)a salad with fresh vegetables and fruits,(today my salad is tomatoes, spinach, avocado, green leaf, & mango) fresh cabbage salad with carrot & red pepper, and pear nectar to drink. I'm praying it stops raining very soon!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

An Ant's Life

Can you imagine how heavy that leaf is to the ant? That ant is called a "leafcutter" here in Costa Rica. I see them everywhere. I've been on a quest to see an army of them all in single file. I thought it would make an interesting photo. It just amazes me how even the little ant is burdened with a heavy load. He manages to carry it to his destination. Only difference between what the ant was carrying and what we carry is neccesity. There is so much we carry that is not neccesity. So, as a reminder to me and to you, let go of what is not neccesary for you to carry. Give it to God. Only carry what is necessary. You will have a much lighter load and a free hand for someone else!
On further reflection, it just might be that the load you carry is a sacrifice that is costing your faith to stretch. The Lord sacrificed His life for us and carried all our sins to the cross. What sacrifice is the Lord asking you to carry no matter what the cost or how heavy it is ? To be a christian it is in sharing in the sufferings of Christ we become like him and in dying to ourselves we truly live.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

TheRIGHT Place

Steve and I took off early this morning for a tour of Turu Ba Ri Parque. We are looking for TheRight places for our excursions. Something that grips me everytime we drive on the roads here in Costa Rica....Everytime you take a turn...which is very never know what's coming or what lies ahead. Another thing about the roads here in Costa Rica are the deep gulleys on both sides of the road. That means you gotta have a narrow focus!

Boy, that sure speaks to me right now! Keep your focus straight ahead. In this way, you can see clearly where your going...for what lies ahead is just around the next bend!

After we left Turu Ba Ri Parque I set the GPS for HOME. It took us another route than the one we came on. The road kept getting narrower and narrower until we finally got to a one lane dirt road. It seemed we were on it for at least 3 or 4 miles. We were wondering if the GPS was to be trusted. We came and crossed over a bridge that extended over a rip roaring river and a breath taking waterfall. I fumbled with trying to reach for my camera and didn't make it in time as we approached the end of the bridge. The minute the back tires reached the end, the road IMMEDIATELY took a right turn STRAIGHT UP! We went right up as if a unseen force had scooted us up. I was wondering how in the world we made it. Finally, we came out on the access road of the Autopista. Thank God we trusted the GPS and thank God for providing a short cut no matter what we had to go through! Isn't that the way alot a times in life....keep matter what things appear to be...The Lord will provide a way out.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Mission

Today has been a full day! Tuesday morning is the day I spend time on skype with my accountability partner. It's also the day we have our Brook Team meeting followed by the English speaking Bible study up at Iglesia Biblica in Atenas.
Having an accountability partner keeps my life on track. She gives me encouragement and counsel and prayer. I look forward to our talks together.
I get all fired up and full of purposeful passion after a Brook Team meeting. Today we had so much to be thankful for and had praises for what God is doing in the ministry and in our lives. As I write this, the Lord is putting everything into place. The Lord has picked a professor from the theological seminary in Guatemala to be our guest speaker.He is bilingual. We also have a worship leader as well! We now have 17 each Latin American couples attending our 2 mini conferences on Oct 18th through the 23rd! Praise the Lord! We are now asking those to step forward and sponsor each couple with a donation to cover the cost. We are asking for a one time gift of $500 per couple. Also underway, is our silent auction up at Nate's Seafood Restaurant in Allen. Hope that you will not only buy a ticket to attend, but you will bid on a treasure. Just remember your purchase or your one time gift for a Latin couple to attend the October conferences, will be a purchase with eternal value.
In between the Brook Team meeting and the bible study today, we met with Pastor Oldemar & his wife Maritza. He's been the pastor at the church for the past 11 years. We are so blessed that the Lord would lead us to such a bible believing church and a wonderful Pastor and his wife to lead it. Each Sunday the message is strictly out of the word of God, verse by verse. The first Sunday of the month is translated into English. Tonight we got aquainted with one another and it might be that my husband may lead a small group of men on the subject of finances and I may try singing worship with the keyboard player in a service done in English. There was also talk of us joining Pastor Oldemar and a few of the members of the church on a medical mission trip in December to visit a remote spanish speaking Indian community south of here. Maybe, or shall I say, I WILL BE MUCH BETTER AT SPEAKING SPANISH BY THEN!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Costa Rica Independence Day

Tonight we went into town for the evening festivities. We decided that we would first eat dinner at one of our favorite places real close to the City Park. There was a woman sitting there and she was selling these lanterns that were red and some were blue. I liked them so I bought one for 200 colones. As it turned out, as people began to show up, all the children and even some of the adults all were holding lanterns. In fact, they were all highly decorated and very creative. Their was a loud voice of a woman speaking that was leading on the mike. Then all the people sang the national anthem for Costa Rica. Everyone was standing. We quickly finished our dinner and headed over to where all the people were at.
I was standing there and I looked around at all the families and how many small children were there. Father's and mothers interlocking hands, putting children on their shoulders, & holding them in their arms so they could see all that was happening. I think I have fallen in love with this community.
Looking forward to seeing the parade in the morning!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Going to School

This morning The Brook Team enrolled in language classes. The place is just a few minutes down the street. We drove up to a green gate and entered into the most beautiful place. You would have never thought what lie just beyond the gates. The only way to know is to go inside. I can describe it to you, but until you enter in yourself, you really can't experience it like we all did. Oh yea sure, I know you will feel the passion in my words and I hope to cast a vision that will work in your heart so you can feel the passion too of what this is all about. The Pastor of Willow Creek Community Church said it when he said "The church is the hope of the world." Anyways, I'm getting a little off subject you say....what is this all leading too? It's about the church. It's about those he came to save. Going to language school to learn how to speak spanish will open doors we didn't know we could open. Getting to know the language is a step inside from just staying on the surface. God never intended for us to skim the surface...but to go deep...deep enough to where he does all the leading and mostly to love one another deeply from the heart. I am so excited and so very challenged and expectant of what God has in store. Lead on Lord! Thank you for our new teacher Isabel. Bless her and my your face shine upon her and her family.

Monday, September 6, 2010

All Is Well with My Soul

Today is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. That's it. That's what I needed today. It's my first thoughts as I start again to write in this blog. We just got internet a few days ago here in Atenas, Costa Rica and this is my first time in a long while to write in my blog.
We are going on our 3rd week here. We've come along pretty good & we are cultivating a new way of living. We are liking our new life and enjoying the benefits of living simple lives. We decided to not get a TV. We didn't watch it much back in the states anyhow. We did get a membership in town at the local video store to watch an occasional movie from our laptop as a treat. We still have an empty house and we will get all the essential needs in due time.
We really enjoyed the Pastor's message at our new church yesterday. It was translated in English. He talked about the faithfullness of the Thessalonians. The gospel came to them not simply with words, but with deep conviction in the power of the Holy Spirit. Even though they were suffering severe persecution they had JOY given to them by the holy spirit. They became a model for Jesus Christ and their faith became known everywhere by the Joy the holy spirit had given them.
When we share the gospel with someone it must not be done in our power or some clever words that sound good. It must come from the spirit of God within us. Because of their strong conviction that God was at work within them it produced faith. Because of their love for God, they labored for it, & because of their hope in God, it boosted their endurance. Faith, Hope, & Love equals serving God!
That's all I need today


My photo
We are missionaries with The Brook Ministries in Costa Rica. We are here to help strengthen the church body of Jesus Christ & to fulfill His Great commission to the lost. At our conferences, my husband directs the recreational activities & excursions. I provide physical renewal with massage for the female attendees. We believe that regularly scheduled renewal of the body, mind, & spirit for ministry leaders in particular, will empower them to serve the Lord with renewed strength & perseverance to do what God has uniquely called them to do....SERVE & BUILD HIS CHURCH to the outermost parts of the world!