Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My Friend Tonya

I've graduated to another service for my client Tonya. (Tonya was in a near fatal car accident in 2005 and is now a quadriplegia.) I've learned how to move her wheelchair into her room. It's not easy. I just listen and do exactly what she tells me to do and it's like magic. I don't bump into the walls or the doorway. I've graduated in helping her with her morning routine after her massage & now do lots of range of motion exercises with her legs. It adds another 2 hours time. It gives her mom some free time to do what she needs to do for herself or for daily errands that need taking care of. You see, her mom is her full-time care taker. It also gives Tonya some independence of her own. Every time thus far that they have hired a home health care person, the person has either not come at all or have not returned after the first visit. It makes no sense. This has been going on for 3 years. But anyway, I'm glad God had our paths cross. I love them both so dearly. I look forward to each Monday and Thursday morning just to be with them. I'm looking forward to this thursday morning visit because it is Tonya's birthday! She will be 21 yrs old. I plan on spending the day with her and to take her around town in her ramp Van for the first time! On another good note...my husband Steve took one of the flyers for Tonya's upcoming Golf Tournament to work with him to spread the word. Tonya is trying to raise money for college. Anyways, one of the gentlemen took it and then called his connection at the college and they are giving Tonya a full scholarship! I can't believe it! God is taking good care of Tonya. He's got big plans for her! She is a strong, confident, & faith-filled young woman who is determined to live a full life through the hardship of her disability. She is on her way! with the Lord's help!
www.tonyawinchester.com (click on fundraisers)

Friday, August 15, 2008

A Life God Rewards

The Lord has called me to start a bible study with the women I work with. I posted in the kitchen a sign up sheet and have received a good response. I'm excited for what God will do in our hearts and how that will work out in the workplace & in our daily lives.
The whole thing is God's timing. I sense His guiding hand for this and know it is His will for us. This particular study is right at the right time. The subject is so significant. It's about the opportunities to love and to serve him and how Jesus wants and will reward us in heaven for every good work we do for Him here on earth. It's about making a difference for eternity. It's about our priorities and choices and how each one we make can be chosen with eternity in mind. Wow! The "keepers of the inn" are in for leading the way to a life that counts forever!

"Rejoice in that day and leap for Joy! For indeed your reward is great in heaven"
-Jesus Luke 6:23

Friday, August 8, 2008

Life is a Journey of discovery of God

I've been doing all kinds of things lately. I've done some new things too. But mostly I've come to know how much I love people and how much I need them in my life. The last month has been a new awakening for me. I am so blessed and so loved. It's not that I didn't know it before, there's just something different. I'm trying to explain. I think my heart got bigger. My spirit has been transformed by God's amazing Grace! I think I've grown some. I feel closer to the Lord than I ever have before. I have let go of alot of stuff that I didn't know was inside of me, that the holy spirit has revealed. I have a more confident walk with the Lord and a burning desire to do what He wants me to do. I'm not saying this to boast about myself, but of the Lord working in my life and in my heart and in where He places me. I have seen His love so much in others lately it has been overwhelming and so beautiful. Life is such a journey of discovery of God. Each time the tide comes in it brings something new. The Lord's kindness is like a warm blanket that wraps around every part of our being as if it has layers and layers of loving warmth and we feel it more and more deeply. I discovered that this sheep is directed by the Good Shepard who loves me & without total dependence I will go astray like a dumb sheep...I discovered that all God's sheep are.....
. anointed with the Holy Spirit

. have a wonderful relationship with the Lord and worship him with all that they have

. full of faith and the Holy Spirit’s power.

. attempt great things for God and expect great things from God

. are warriors for Jesus and invade Satan’s Kingdom to win the lost and heal the sick and drive out demons

. have loving relationships


My photo
We are missionaries with The Brook Ministries in Costa Rica. We are here to help strengthen the church body of Jesus Christ & to fulfill His Great commission to the lost. At our conferences, my husband directs the recreational activities & excursions. I provide physical renewal with massage for the female attendees. We believe that regularly scheduled renewal of the body, mind, & spirit for ministry leaders in particular, will empower them to serve the Lord with renewed strength & perseverance to do what God has uniquely called them to do....SERVE & BUILD HIS CHURCH to the outermost parts of the world!