Monday, April 30, 2007

Billy's Birthday

Today was Billy's 20th Birthday!

We took him out to dinner and he ordered his favorite cut of Steak... Prime Rib!

I can't believe he is 20!

One of the unique gifts that a parent experiences is from the moment their child is born is to see the day to day change that takes place. Only parents experience this. I mean, I know that I have friends & even brothers & sisters that I have known over the years and have seen them get older, grow, & change. It is just different with our own child. It is love on a whole new level. It was in the birth of my children when I felt what I think in relation to what the Lord feels for all He has created. That over whelming Love that is pure, unconditional, and that He would die for.

That is the gift I want for my children. To love with all they are, without restraint. I pray Billy feels that Love that is perfect & pure in some measure from his parents, but of course it is not...only a perfect Father can truly give him love like that & all that he needs....I pray he has received his heavenly father's pure, unconditional love & recognizes His presence in every minute in every hour & that the Lord says "You are worth dieing for."
Teach a child in the way that he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. I've heard this scripture translated in two ways. One is in the way the child is bent....and another is the Way of the Lord.....I like both translations but I'm praying for the second one!
We are so proud of Billy. He has a heart of gold.

Monday, April 23, 2007

The CALL & The Newspaper

It was early morning, Steve and I just got through praying after our bible study together when the phone call came in. It was God calling to give one of those blessings He drops from the sky just because....
Steve is so looking forward to the Byron Nelson Golf Tournament on Wednesday. Its the preliminary match before the great day. A professional golfer plays 18 holes with 3 other amateur players for a foursome. One of those is Steve! TPC Craig Ranch where Steve works on the weekends, has generously donated a TPC golf shirt for Steve to wear to the event. I'll be going to follow him around to take pictures on this special day.

We looked in the newspaper this morning and discovered he'll be in the 12:30 group with professional Joe Ogilvie.

In a few weeks on May 6th, Steve will once again be playing to raise support for the "Real Options" Golf Marathon. This ministry is near and dear to our heart & we support this ministry in all the ways they help those who find themselves in a crisis pregnancy situation. We want to give out of what we ourselves have been given through such a crisis as this one. Life is just so precious! If you would like to sponsor Steve this year, just let us know...Here is the website for Real Options & if you have any questions about their services I will be happy to answer them for you. Your support just might save a life both physically and eternally!

I know how grateful Steve is to have this honor just given to him. What a great gift the Lord has given him. The Lord's timing couldn't be more perfect!

My prayer is that the Lord be pleased with us

Micah 6:8 To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Body Worlds

We all went to see the exhibit "Body Worlds" at the Museum of Nature & Science in Dallas. When I first heard about this exhibition on the radio, I was shocked and was turned off about the thought of real human bodies on display. I thought about it some more and realized I was real interested in seeing it. I am so fascinated by the anatomy of the human body. I wanted to get a "real" inside view. In giving a massage, I'm always imagining the bone and muscle placement and getting help from seeing in books that "inside" view. These whole-body plastinates where in all kinds of poses. The wide range of specimens shows the difference between a healthy body and a diseased body. Seeing for yourself, makes one appreciate & want to take care of their own body even better and to be amazed at the details the designer put into such a specimen!

check out the website!

Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart, I appointed you as a prophet to the nations"

Psalm 100:3 Know the Lord is God. It is he who made us and we are his, we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

Psalm 139: 13-16

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Golden Days of Home

It's been a good day, Lord. yes, a very good day! The last few days I've had a few outcalls. That is when I go to someone's home and give them a massage. One of them was a gift certificate I had donated to the senior citizens who live in the new retirement community apartments in town. A sweet and kind woman found the golden egg with the gift certificate inside at the Easter egg hunt! She was so nice & welcomed me into her home. I really enjoyed having that opportunity. I also visited another woman at her home who had a crook in her neck. I usually see her each monday morning for chair massage at the fitness center. So, to get a telephone call to come to her home was a surprise! She has arthritis in her hands and massage helps to ease the pain. It was a joy to spend time with her and get to know more about her life and her family. I remember the first time I met her I instantly felt her warm heart shining through! She didn't have the crook in her neck when I left.

It did my heart good to visit with these two senior woman. I read a plaque on the wall that said "Getting old is not for sissies!" These two woman blessed me with their courage & wisdom, their character & care for others. I thank the Lord for the sneak preview into their lives of what's up ahead in the golden years for Steve & I!

By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures. Proverbs 24:3-4

A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies...She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her. Proverbs 31:10,27-28

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Old Friends

Today I talked with one of my son's boyhood friends on the phone for a long time. He called me to tell me he would be in town and he wanted to see all of us and me too. He use to live down the street. I remember when he was new to the neighborhood and became friends with our family. We took an instant liking to him. He became very special to us. He is a special boy. I remember having a birthday party for him as well as a going away party when his family moved to Pennsylvania.
He had been in several foster homes & shared some of his life experiences with us. He then was adopted by the family down the street from us .He is in the Army now and just got back from Korea. I found out alot of things about him. I found out he got married and his wife is in Iraq for the 3rd time. He has colitis and can not run or drink alcohol. He may get a medical discharge from the service. We talked about old times.
It was good to talk with him. I'm glad he feels comfortable talking with me. I've kept a card he gave me in my bible for years. It's still there. I'm glad to hear he is happy and doing well.
Dear Heavenly Father-
I thank you for your love for all your children. I thank you for your protection over this one. I pray your protection over this one and His wife in physical, mental, & spiritually as they serve this country. I pray over their marriage as a protection and safe place of unity and love. I pray Lord that they know the power and protection of your love above all things. I pray this in the precious and holy name of Jesus, Amen

Sunday, April 15, 2007


I just got back from church. Pastor George introduced the PEACE PLAN. I was overwhelmed with emotion as he delivered this message. The concerned girl sitting next to me thought I was crying tears of saddness...but in my heart I was shouting "GO GOD!" "I praise your name, dear Lord!" The PEACE PLAN is "such a time as this" We can change the world for eternity, give our lives away and receive more life with showers of blessing as we bless other lives. For to those whom much has been given, much is required. This is just the beginning for our church to step it up another level and be proactive servants of the living God!!!!



He talked about the 5 GLOBAL GIANTS in this world.

1. Spiritual lostness- an empitness without God. How can they hear about him unless someone tells them? Romans 10:14
2. Egocentric Leadership-there is a lack of wise & sound leadership The world needs a moral foundation otherwise this nation will continue to fall & people will continue to wander like lost sheep. Prov. 11:14 16:2, Zechariah 10:2
3. Poverty- there is so many poor locally & globally. The Lord says that true religion is this, to take care of orphans & widows in their suffering. We should have concern and care for the poor and help them. Psalm 41:1 Proverbs 19:17
4. Disease- the top 2 diseases in the world are Malaria & HIV. How do we help those who are sick? How do we treat them? Psalm 36:6 & Ezekiel 34:4-6
5. Illiteracy or Ignorance- Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge


2. The church has the BIGGEST ARMY OF VOLUNTEERS
3. The church has the MORAL AUTHORITY TO DO IT
4. The church has the POWER OF GOD

One thing that Pastor George said was that he wanted to reproduce his life and sustain it in a useable way. What a statement....there's nothing on this earth as a believer and follower of Christ than to reproduce the life of Christ and sustain it all our days on this earth. What a powerful, purposeful, & passionate life the Lord has in store for all who believe. It is through His spirit alone that anything is accomplished. It all comes down to when He said "Love one another, as I have loved you."


check out the website:

Friday, April 13, 2007

A message

You Lord-
Mighty One-
want to give us widsom & understanding
You want us prepared to receive you.
Your great power is real & you reveal it to us each day.
You Lord-
Holy One-
I ask you to help me see what it is your are trying to reveal to me.
Help me see your power at work.
I long to see it.
Is it that you want me to obstain from something in my life?
I want to be a messenger for you.
Please let me know what it is I need to obstain from or get rid of to hear you &
to be a messenger for you as Daniel was. It is a message of your power at work.
A vision of your coming glory,
A picture of who you are-
so that it will strike the unbelieving heart to see you.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Wall of Jerusalem

Soap notes from my journal:
S- scripture
O- observation
A- application

S-Nehemiah 3 "Builders of the Wall"

O-In close proximity there are resources of people to help one another. Close to where we live, people working together side by side can make real progress happen. Those closest to a given project works well. Knowing people's skills, talents, & gifts is extremely helpful and makes the most progress. In Chapter 4 it is detailing the around the clock persistance, prayer, & protection of the people of Judah. The Lord can make something beautiful out of nothing but rubble.
A-It reminds me that I see that the rebuilding of the Wall of Jerusalem demonstrates God's persistant love & care for us & how the Lord designed man to be related/relational & how He also designed mankind to grow from each other in His demonstration. I can apply that to my life by being more proactive in my relationships and give and ask for help. To work together as a team.
P- Dear Lord-
I thank you for being a relational God and the designer and creator of all things. Thank you for your invisible wall of protection and teaching us on a daily basis how to love one another. Thank you Lord for the people you have brought into my life who have helped me as we work together side by side in what ever way to build your kingdom. May we be consistant ; love well & in the process forgive one another and together help one another. In Jesus's name. Amen

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Sea of Galilee

Today my mind drifts to the place Jesus and Peter walked on the water. The "Jesus Boat" was suppose to be an almost exact replica of the one Jesus & the disciples used. I was in awe that I was drifting along at this very place & was seeing this place with my own eyes. I felt such a wave of excitement in my heart. That night,I recounted that night in the book of Matthew (14:22) the storm the disciples encountered. They must have been out there in that storm with the wind whipping around for quite a while. What they didn't know was that Jesus was alone praying to His Father. They hadn't realized who He was, much less know anything about prayer or to pray over the situation they were in. I came to realize the difference between just knowing Jesus was there in the storms of life with me to Believing He may require me to step out of the water & come to Him... do something I see impossible...that He can make possible & for that to occur I must believe it & take the first step without being distracted by paralyzing fear.... even if I am scared, even if I don't understand, & even if it seems totally impossible. The Lord calls us to not doubt & to trust him beyond what we feel & He still will never let us out of His grip of grace no matter how many times we fall or fail to step out in faith. My focus must be on Him because of the relationship we have, to recognize & follow Him daily, and to take risks or steps when He tells me to. To allow Him to work through me...knowing He will...Now that is confident faith!
Matthew 14:26-31
When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified "It's a ghost," they said, and cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately said to them "Take Courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."
"Lord, if it is you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water."
"Come," He said.
Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!"
Immediately Jesus reached out His hand and caught him. "You of little faith," He said, "Why did you doubt?"

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Semper Reformanda...always reforming

Tonight in my theology class we talked about the sources of theology as well as Unity & Diversity. The different sources of truth like tradition, reason, experience emotions, & general revelation have their place in the stage of truth and help to form our own theology. There are benefits as well as deficiences. They are fallible and not one of them can over ride the truth of scripture. The bible is infallible. The bible is objective where as these sources are subjective. There are no deficiencies in God's word and it can not contradict itself. The scriptures alone are the primary authority and to me is at the forefront of the stage of truth.
We discussed the different doctrines and when they were established. Starting with the Trinity at the Counsel fo Nicea in 325A.D., all the way to the Doctrine of Salvation by Faith Alone established in 1600A.D. That's a long time in between to interpret a full understanding in the meaning that salvation is by faith alone. That's a difference of 1275! It blew my mind as I realized in a flash of a moment that it is not that truth is changing, but the church is on a journey and that doctrine takes time to develop and our understanding of it.
There is no definite doctrine out there on the rapture. Could it be that as the Lord says " that those who have ears, let him hear" that the reforming power of His truth will be revealed in my life time and be heard in a unified voice by the body of Christ and there will be a doctrine formed about the rapture? It was interesting to find out it wasn't until 451 A.D. that the Doctrine of Christ had universal agreement by the Hypostatus Union that God was 100% Man & 100% God and before that time it was thought that Jesus was not equal to the Father. It's only when the voice of God is heard and is kept being heard in unity that we get the doctrinal truths revealed. What do you think?

John 17:22-23

"The glory you gave to me I have given to them, that they may be one just as we are one- I in them and you in me-that they may be completely one, so that the world will know that you sent me, and you have loved them just as you have loved me."

Deut. 29:29
"The secret things belong to the Lord our God. But the things revealed belong to us & to our children forever; that we may follow all the words of this law."

Thursday, April 5, 2007


This last week has been an interesting week... My daughter moved back on Sunday afternoon and we spent all day going back and forth to get her stuff. The next day, My husband and I went to a funeral of my niece's grandmother whom she never met who's son has never acknowledged her as her father and my niece then calls me on my cell ph0ne on the way there. The woman who died was a believer ( I didn't know that) She was a gracious and beautiful woman with a smile that lit up a room. My niece called to tell me that she got the job she had been praying for. She will be working with troubled youth. This is such a praise! The Lord has transformed her life from being a homeless drug addict to a woman of purpose & passion for helping others with the same grace she has been given! I thank the Lord for the fruit she is now producing for Him! The funeral was in the town my husband and I first built our dream home on the 200 acre farm land. We were the 5th generation to live on the farm. Now, just staring this year,they are drilling for natural gas on the property. The woman who's funeral we went to was the wife of Steve's father's childhood best friend. It sure brought out old memories of the old days gone by. We stopped by to look at the old house still standing. I imagined opening up the front door to watch the roof fall in! You could see holes in it.
The next day, the Katrina refugee was released and is now living at our home. He has nowhere to stay & is living with us & sleeping on the couch & is awaiting his court date they have scheduled for him. I went to my theology class that night and got some clarity about what it is I do believe about "Does God still speak today?" I've discovered that I view that the miraculous sign gifts could still be given today, but I need to be careful about outright acceptance of people's claims of possession of them. So, you could say I adhere to the soft cessationist view of prophesy. So therefore, I do not believe that the gifts of the spirit ceased with the death of the last apostle and the completion of the New Testament.
I so looked forward to the Holy Thursday service. It felt so good to unleash praise to the Lord... to worship, sing & pray in the spirit, & take part in the communion with the body of Christ. I prayed for forgiveness for some slips of my tongue. I praised the Lord for his endless and enduring love and for shedding His blood so that I could live. I praised Him for laying down His life for His friends & it struck me how His love was being poured into that place and into each one of us, His children.


My photo
We are missionaries with The Brook Ministries in Costa Rica. We are here to help strengthen the church body of Jesus Christ & to fulfill His Great commission to the lost. At our conferences, my husband directs the recreational activities & excursions. I provide physical renewal with massage for the female attendees. We believe that regularly scheduled renewal of the body, mind, & spirit for ministry leaders in particular, will empower them to serve the Lord with renewed strength & perseverance to do what God has uniquely called them to do....SERVE & BUILD HIS CHURCH to the outermost parts of the world!