Friday, March 30, 2007

The Pure White Bird

I just arrived home and as I got out of my car, the birds in our Oak tree flew off. It was the car door and my movements that scared them off. Something caught my eye as I watched them all fly off to my neighbors tree. It was a pure white bird in the midst of them. I quickly went inside the house to get my nifty binoculars. I love to watch the birds this time of year. Steve just got a new bird feeder and placed it just outside the front window for a good view of them. I was hoping the bird didn't disappear. There it was, flying from limb to limb. As I continued to watch the bird, I noticed he was "The Boss" of the group jumping in on everyone and chasing a few around my neighbor's rose bushes.
Fast forward 3 hours. By now it started to rain a bit. I was heading for the car to go over to a friends house for a get together and as I passed our Oak tree something caught my eye. Surely, it couldn't be THAT bird....It was getting dark and I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me...It WAS the white bird! The color WHITE shows up pretty good in the darkness. I thought, nobody is going to believe this and I quickly went into the house and got my digital camera and took a few pictures of it and showed them to my friends. When I returned home, there was my friend, perched in the same spot blowing in the breeze with the rain coming down. I got another picture....I think I'll name him "Whitey"
I think he might possibly be a cockatiel or a friend said a bungy)

Time Well Spent

I spent most of today with my daughter. She will be moving back home in a few days & will be getting a new job at the spa. She's had alot of trauma in her life to recover from and I praise the Lord for His protection over her. She has been in the depths of despair on many accounts so deep, that it could have only been from the Lord's intervention that she is alive today. She has literally been brought out of the pit. She is opening up to her heavenly father and her earthly father, is making good choices, praying alot & reading her bible, & not running from Him anymore.

Every day is valuable and every day counts. Do what you can to BRING BACK those who matter to the Lord.....let it start with your family!

"I, the Lord have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand.I will keep you and make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the gentilesto open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness"

Deuteronomy 11:18-19
"Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds, tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you lie down and when you get up. "

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Katrina Refugee

He decided to turn himself in
He couldn't run anymore
He couldn't leave behind that
which is before him.
It kept him unmoveable
bound by invisible chains
unable to move forward.

For just a little while
the time will tell
just how much you have grown
how truly free you can be
after having been behind those bars

You did it for your dignity
You did it to live responsibly
You did it for hope of a future
for love & to be loved
to wipe the slate clean

I pray that you confess:

"Though your sins are like scarlet
they shall be as white as snow:
though they are red as crimson,
they shall be like wool. Isaiah 1:18

I pray for you to:

"Enter through the narrow gate.
But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life" Matthew 7:13

I pray for you new beginnings:

For no one can lay any foundation
other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ" 1 Cor. 3:11

I pray that you call upon His name:

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord"
and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved, For it is with your heart that you believe and
are justified and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved"
Romans 10:9&10

Trust in You

I put my trust in you
I put my trust in you
for your will is the perfect way
Your way is the only way

Way down deep inside
I wanna live
I wanna give
I wanna give you it all

You are mighty and the brightest star
you calm the storms
and still the raging sea

You provide shelter
a covering of protection
and the sun to bring the warmth
to help all living things grow

You are alive
and nature speaks of your beauty
it speaks what you would say
it shouts your beauty
with an abundance of color
creating joy in what your hands have made

I put my trust in you
I put my trust in you
as sure and steady your love is
I wanna give
I wanna live
I want to give you my all
*this is just what came out of my heart tonight...I don't know if it's a song or a poem

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Motherly Love

Today I had an experience that blessed my heart and touched my emotions with a few tears. It was my 2:00pm massage appointment client. He was 14 years old. His mother had given him this treat while she herself was getting a massage in the room next door.
This boy was a gentle and polite boy and very appreciative & respectful to me and really enjoyed his massage. He said it was the best he ever had. The first massage he had was when he was on vacation with his family. I was humbled to know he trusted me and he showed that by his ease in relaxing his body. When I got down to his feet I laughed to myself because I saw something familiar. His toe nails were long! Boys his age just don't know how to clip their toenails! It reminded me of my son Billy.
I think that is what touched my emotions. I thought....Did I love my son the way he needed to be loved? Did I bring him comfort with a mothers touch? I sure miss my Billy since he's been out on his own. He's a good son & I know the good Lord watches over him.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Do All for the Glory of God

Some would say that God's purpose, intent, & motivation for creating humanity and all of creation was for His own self-gratification. I believe we do damage to God's character. I would not and do not say that God created man to glorify Himself.
By saying that God's purpose in creating us was to glorify himself, we turn Him into a glory monger. We don't honor glory mongers because anyone who only seeks to draw attention to themselves is seen as a dysfunctional human who needs physiological help. We understand that one of the greatest characteristics that humans can possess is being focused upon others even in their own greatness. Do we really want to allow God to bear a great dysfunction and call it a virtue simply because His is deserving?
The closest that you and I come for understanding the motive for creation is in having children. Though we are not the ultimate creator of our children, we do have a choice in the decision making process of having them. When Steve & I had Molly & Billy, we had reasons. What if someone were to ask me why I had my first child Molly and I said "Because I wanted to glorify myself. My primary purpose is that she would one day know how great I am." You'd probably want to send me off to the funny farm....But this is not the case. Steve & I had Molly because it was a joy to share life with others. We receive great pleasure in this. We wanted someone to love, not necessarily someone who would love us. Molly will naturally respond in recognition of us and bring honor & glory to us as long as we deserve it. But our deserving of this does not equal to the motive behind our decision. I believe it is the same with God. God is perfect and deserving of glory, and we, as His children, should recognize Him for who He is and give him glory, But this does not imply that His purpose in creation was for this end. I think the most natural conclusion from scripture is to say that the God of the Bible created all of creation so that He could share of Himself. Generosity & Grace would be the primary motive in creation, not self-glorification. From the very beginning God is seen as a giving God with no explanation as to why. Adam was given life and given the earth to rule over. He gave him the animals and gave him Eve. Even when they rebelled, God made a plan for their redemption. He gave them children and began to work through the line of one of them so that He could eventually redeem man who did not deserve to be redeemed. He gave Abraham a promise that He would be a father of many nations and that through him he would give the world a great blessing. When the fullness of time came, He gave His own son over to a terrible death for man. I do not find that a self-glorifying act. One other thing...if God is so concerned about self-glorification, why is it that He is found giving all things by sharing in His glory with us? Finally, when all is complete & the restoration of all things has come to pass, He gives glory over to humans

"The spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs-heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory" Romans 8: 16-17

"And those he predestined, he also called, those he called, he also justified, those he justified, he also glorified" Romans 8:30

"Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever." Daniel 12:3

Shining like stars is a vivid illustration of receiving glory to me. I do not believe that God is presented in the scripture as one who seeks His own glory, & as noble as that may sound, He is one who is sharing in His glory. God does and should receive glory in all things and we as His children have as our primary purpose of existence to glorify Him.

"Whether, then you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God"
This is our purpose statement, not necessarily God's.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Focus on Him

I sure need new glasses to see better. I'm up for a new pair next month! I'm getting rid of these rose colored glasses. I like them alot, but it's time for something new. Here lately my vision has been a little foggy. I'm seeing alot of things, but not clearly. It's that way with my life too...sorta unclear vision. There is some adjusting going on and I'm not sure how it's going to look. I know I want to see better and have a clear vision to what the Lord would have me do with this season of my life. The words that the Lord have impressed upon my heart are focus, abiding, being still, & rest....avoiding chatter so He can speak & giving Him Lordship of my energy & priorities.

Last March on a retreat with my disciple group the Lord impressed upon our hearts this vision.....this narrowing of focus....I recall it.....& it remains true now....

"Like a stream, we are heading in a direction of God's selection and moving together. Just as He is the WAY and that way is narrow, the channel of His purpose for us is strong, sure, and focused. When we stay in the middle of the current with Him, without the diversion on the banks, we will continue toward His destination as ones compelled by the power of a will much greater than our own. We will arrive there sooner and enjoy the journey more completely. Ultimately it requires less effort, just yielding to the gentle current and allowing God to carry us from where we are, continually on in precious union with Him

that's it....that's all I need to do......keep the focus on Him!

"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you"
Isaiah 26:3

Monday, March 19, 2007

Enter the Throne


This is a pathways style spiritual process.....
( this is not from pathways...but I created it for a friend who had been experiencing lots of anxiety & expressed to me how she felt she had fallen into a deep hole. She since has said she used this vision as she started to have an anxiety attack and it help her tremendously & she visually saw Jesus not only pulling her out of the hole, but dancing along the way! )GO GOD!!! The Lord does call us to meditate upon His word.

You are walking along and you start to fall. It's getting dark all around you. You’re trying to figure out what’s happening to you. You have landed somewhere and you start to get anxious, but you don’t know why

You feel confident that you have been here before. You realize you have fallen into this dark hole. You’re not scared because it is familiar…but something more abides within you. You know the only reason you can see anything is because your father in heaven is lighting the way and is there in the hole with you.

You look around to see that worry and depression are down in the hole too. They only cast shadows on you because they have stepped in between you and your heavenly Father.

You don't know how long those shadows will be cast upon you. There's lots you don't understand. You just found yourself in this place. So you wait. Waiting can seem so long. You ask your Father to help you out of this dark hole your in & He reminds you that He is close to you who are broken hearted and crushed in spirit. You move in close and draw near to Him & He draws near to you.

Suddenly these words fill your heart and they come alive within your spirit



Now the Lord talks directly to you and says
“Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 40:10

You realize that you have boldy entered into the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus with full assurance of faith, having been fully washed with pure water with a renewed unswerving hope.


You feel His mighty right hand of power upon you and you feel His Grace & Peace enter into
the scene, while worry and depression leave you.

The Lord wraps His love around you GIVING YOU the strength to step up out of the dark hole. He protects your coming and going. The Lord let me see that no matter where I was, He would be there for me. There is NO place in all His creation that He does not dwell. Even when I am in the pit of despair he is with me and I am not alone. That’s when He shows up the strongest. When I am at the weakest places in my life I can rest that all is in His hands and I am truly loved and cared for.


Psalm 42:8

When I am afraid, I will trust in you. Psalm 56:3

Thursday, March 8, 2007

King Solomon has a beard!

The Lord gave me a vision about King Solomon this morning. Before I began reading in the book of 1Kings, I was praying and listening for the Lord. I asked Him if He would speak to me. In my mind I saw in this vision a man with a beard sitting on a throne. I instinctively knew it wasn't Jesus. I wondered who it was. The Lord told me He was going to tell me something important. I then opened up my bible and starting reading in Chapter 8 where King Solomon summoned all the chiefs of the Israelite families, heads of all the tribes, elders, and priests to bring the ark of the Lord's covenant into the inner sanctuary of the temple. Solomon lifted his hands on bended knee and prayed to the Lord & then a CLOUD filled the temple of the Lord just as the Lord had told Solomon that He would; dwell in a dark cloud. God may dwell in this place, but nothing can contain Him. The Lord requires that we turn our hearts to Him and walk in all His ways & keep His commandments. True worship to the Lord from a heart totally submitted to Him becomes so much more powerful when the Lord shows up as He did THEN before the whole assembly of Israel.
The Lord showed up in my worship to Him this morning as I waited with expectancy for Him. How powerful the vision of Solomon with a beard was and this encounter Solomon had with the Lord. I've kept that vision all day and thought it special & kinda funny that the Lord would introduce me to Solomon in this special way.
As you pray and worship the Lord this day, are you expecting Him to show up? 1King 8 & 9

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Do not be overcome by evil,overcome by doing good.

Today was one of those days where I saw the ugly side of the mess us humans make. Injustice is everywhere & sometimes I just don't care to fight back. I don't understand how something wrong can be obvious and be allowed by those who are to uphold the law. It's difficult because I know that the Lord has instituted the law for those who do wrong. What makes it difficult is that I was not the lawbreaker, but a product of someone else who broke the law. Many would say that man is basically good. I'd be naive to think that. Sometimes I feel I'm better than others, like today. But I'm not. And that is not good. I want to be good. Life is more than wanting to be good or fighting back. It is about being renewed each and every day by the grace of God. Realizing that the battle has already been won & it won't be won by me. I'm just no good without the Lord in my life. He is what makes this life good and there is no goodness in me apart from Him. I felt that today as the holy spirit brought to my mind His love and yet sorrow for His creation. As my heart was broken, I realized He had put it there. To see the world in the way that He does after I had first felt I was somehow better. WE are all sinners it is plain to see.I was stircken in my conscience... I am no better than the next person....we are all His Masterpiece. Lord...please renew me & fill me with your grace. Help me to not be cold to those who do wrong to me, who deny or supress the truth, or forget about those who don't believe, to see what breaks your heart would break mine too. Help me to see what you see.... your masterpiece in the making....
Romans 12:9-21

Monday, March 5, 2007

refining fire

I was thinking as I was having laser treatment to remove spider veins on my legs today. I was wanting her to hurry up. I was uncomfortable & the heat seemed to be getting hotter & hotter. The burning seemed to be worse in different areas of my legs. Where the veins were larger and redder it almost became unbearable. I told her if she would just laser 3 times and then rub my leg for a few seconds, she could continue that way & I'd be fine and much better if she followed that pattern. Then a neat thing happened. I started to think about the end result. The removal of the spider veins from my legs and the similarity of the refining work the Lord is doing in my life. Everyday living takes on new meaning & some things thought as significant, loose their value. The pain caused to my body by the laser made me think of the physical suffering Christ endured to rid me of sin & to conquer death. I could stand the pain this was causing me & through aknowledging my weaknesses in dependence on Christ, He makes me strong. It is in the attitude we come to be more like Christ.
1Peter 4:1 Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because he who has suffered in his body is done with sin.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Just Take It away

My son Billy got his car stolen overnight while parked at his new apartment. Why, just 3 weeks ago he got his old apartment broken into and all his stuff stolen. He told me "Mom, they've taken everything from me" They held his roommate Justin by the neck while the other 4 rampaged their apartment. It wouldn't surprise me if the criminals hocked their stuff for drug money. Very sad. I pray the holy spirit convict their heart of their sins & they turn to Him!
The last few days have been kinda tough on my heart. I really hurt for both my children right now. I don't like this part about love. It hurts so much sometimes. We will overcome. I'm reminded when Jesus said "In this world you will have troubles, but take heart! I have overcome the world" John16:33 Come Lord Jesus, Come!

Under Grace

Conversion brings conflict
conflict teaches constancy (patience)
constancy develops character
character brings confidence

suffering ....

Not only so, but we also
rejoice in our suffering because we know that suffering
produces perserverance
perserverance, character
and character, hope. Romans 5:3

suffering teaches us to be patient
the fire of affliction teaches us to mature
when we are mature
we have a rock solid faith

which brings me to:

Hebrews: 6:19
We have this HOPE as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters into the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where Jesus, who went before us has entered on our behalf.

Even though my daughter may be going to jail in a few days, I know the Lord will redeem the suffering and produce in her a heart sold out for Christ....
I will always remember what she said today. It was a revelation & I see the Lord in the middle of it producing in her suffering....hope.
I saw the confident hope that suffering produces. She is on her way to maturing in Christ.
The Lord will redeem the pain that she has caused herself & I pray it won't be long to save someone else from death to life. I have confident hope that this is all apart of God's plan & purpose for her. Thank you Dear Lord even when it hurts & for faith in the evidence in what can not be seen.


My photo
We are missionaries with The Brook Ministries in Costa Rica. We are here to help strengthen the church body of Jesus Christ & to fulfill His Great commission to the lost. At our conferences, my husband directs the recreational activities & excursions. I provide physical renewal with massage for the female attendees. We believe that regularly scheduled renewal of the body, mind, & spirit for ministry leaders in particular, will empower them to serve the Lord with renewed strength & perseverance to do what God has uniquely called them to do....SERVE & BUILD HIS CHURCH to the outermost parts of the world!