Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Eve Candlelight

We just got back from the candlelight service. It was just what we all needed. How easily we become distracted by the little things going on in our lives, that we forget about the excitement of celebrating Jesus's birthday. My heart was pierced when Pastor George said something about all the cranky people out shopping. Just this morning I was waiting in line for a last minute gift, I became irritated at the clerk. I was that cranky shopper.
My husband, our adult son, our daughter, and her fiance hadn't been all together at church for some time. I'm glad it was tonight. The message of the Good News brings such joy, comfort, peace, & God's extravagant Love into our hearts to those who believe. Tonight I feel His love for me and His love in my family. I saw Jesus's love in Pastor George as he hugged us all so tightly. The wonder of the star that shines so bright in our hearts is born in Bethlehem. What a friend we have in Jesus. You came so you could save us & reconcile us to you & to one another, forgive us of our sins & not condemn us, & to give us a life of purpose & passion. Tomorrow morning as I open the first gift, I will be reminded of the gift you continually give to us, is always open. You will never let us go....you go with us. There is no other gift on earth that can or will ever last like that. Happy Birthday Jesus!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Proud Parent

Our son will be going to a University in just a few short weeks! We are so proud of him. He will be the first in my family to complete college. He's also going to school where my husband graduated from. My son & husband went a few weeks ago and got it all arranged and we are all so excited for him. My son has completed all but 3 of his basic courses and is on his way. The Lord has taught him something early on about persistance and enduring when things get tough & faced with adversity. It's a long story I'll tell sometime. I just know what he went through back when he was in 10th grade, changed the course of his life. He found a miracle in himself and he could do it with God's help.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Precious moments making precious memories

Other than getting sick last week and diagnosed with vertigo, the moments have been so precious. So many good things are happening on the home front. Blessings come in ways we least expect and certainly not in the way we'd ever even think could come.

My husband's last day of work was on friday. He'd waited almost 4 years for this day to happen and it has finally come. Gone are the days of the familiarity and security of the job he has had for 20 years. God is writing a new story and we are caught up in the adventure....at least I am!

Last week our daughters fiance moved in with us....another new story. It is truly a blessing to see these two young adults grow. We all wait in anticipation of their baby to arrive and of the change and joy this "gift from heaven" will bring into all of our lives.

We also met with my family for our Christmas celebration. There was about 40 people there. It was so good to see everyone. Each year as we gather I see so much more how it is not about the things we have in this life, but the people we have in our lives in this life. All the wonderful food & gifts don't mean anything compared to seeing one of my brothers or sisters....or nieces or nephews, cousins, brother and sister in laws. My Dad was so funny and didn't fail in making everyone smile and laugh. Although, as I write this I'm looking over at the lamp one of my sisters gave me that day that use to belong to my mother. My Dad had given this special lamp to Mom many years ago. So, things we have can serve as visual reminders of something or someone very dear to us. My mind is wondering off now as I think about the trip to Israel this spring and all the visual reminders of Jesus that I will once again see. Yes, visual reminders are wonderful! But, they cannot replace or compare to the relationship within that we have with Him. Just like we can get wrapped up in the gifts, lest we forget the gift giver.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

You are so good to me

Nothing works or stirs our hearts deeply more than the words of Jesus. You just never know who, when, or how He's going to speak to you in the many ways He does and will. I got my paycheck today and I got that piercing love down deep. It caught me off guard. You can feel it travel down your throat into your heart and then back up to your brain! No, it wasn't the paycheck amount.....it was his word on the paper that did it. What a gift to my heart it was & it blessed me also to know & feel at the same time the power of those words written are true! For the many things I'm thankful for; (like my boss and all the people that work there... )you can't buy with money.
My sister in the Lord....my boss had written on my paycheck these words from Psalm 126:3
" The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy."

Money comes and money goes, but the word of God gives us life. I am blessed to have the money, don't get me wrong....true happiness....more than happiness..for it is circumstantial).
..JOY comes from the Lord!

Monday, December 3, 2007

The Wind

My husband & I took a long walk today with our 2 dogs. The wind was so strong that it was hard for our old dog to walk straight. He was getting pushed over and sometimes tripping off the sidewalk. We walked through the park and sat on a bench and watched the wind blow on the little pond in front of us making little ripples all across the surface. We observed the leaves getting swept along.

My husband said that the wind was God's way of dusting off everything; that the wind was what scattered the seeds so that young plants can start on their own and receive light from the sun. He went on to say that the wind removed the dead leaves from the trees & birds could "ride the wind" to warmer climates. The wind is apart of the eco-system. Wind normally travels west to east. This day it was coming out of the north, but it wasn't cold. He also said that if God hadn't created the wind, he imagined that plants and trees would die. Wind creates pressure along it's path and thus produces thunderstorms.

I found this conversation stimulating. My mind when off a trail and saw the similarities to our lives. God creates wind in our own lives to dust us off to make us more like Him, to scatter seeds of love, to create pressure hard enough for us to change. All the while not being able to understand his ways, but to see the results of His ways produced in our lives...especially during and after a thunderstorm. ..after the wind dies down there is calm....and during a storm the dust is being removed! When our Lord walk on water in that horrific thunderstorm, He was calm. Let's trust God to give us the calm in the midst of the thunderstorms of life! The wind is producing in us a glory that far outweighs them all...we can't physically see Jesus but we know He is there. We can't see the wind either, but we know it is there. The affects are Life Changing!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Undivided Heart

I was reading in the book by Matt Redman called "The Unquenchable Worshipper" about the example of Christ's Undivided Heart for His Father. He NEVER EVER got distracted. That is just unbelievable for me to fathom. I'm distracted all the time! Distractions are everywhere.....but distractions were not in Jesus. His heart was pure. He was totally committed to His Father and to do His will. Everything He did was to give God glory and pleasure . The Lord DEFENDED His own heart from all that would try to stray Him off course.


Define what it is that causes me to stray off course (get distracted) from living a life of praise to my Father in heaven. I can't change what I don't acknowledge.

There's something more here. ....Jesus lived from the inside out...His focus was on ... Something far more permanent than what was happening around him. It was what was happening in Him. It all comes down to uninterrupted times of devotion.

QUESTIONS .... that Mark address in the chapter are:

Do I have any impure practices that distract me from pure woship?

What temptations are there that take away my focus from Jesus?

How will I defend the Father's will from every assault?

Is there anything that consistently weighs me down on my spiritual walk with Him?

What do I need to do to balance my time so that I can have uninterrupted times of devotion more consistantly?

A few points Matt makes are:

It is the lie of the enemy that we can't have simplicity in our worship because we are to busy with too many responsibilites, so therefore our walk with God is not near as close as it was back when we were younger with more spare time on our hands.

Secondly, that sometimes the things that pull us away from the feet of Jesus are in themselves good things.

As undivided worshippers we are called to have untainted hearts...live in defense of distractions & live in attack mode by striking out for the honor of God's name when and where we find the opportunity. Like Jesus did when he turned over the tables in His Father's House because of the traders and money changers greed for financial gain. He lived his devotion outloud. When Peter tried to dissuade Jesus from the suffering that was to come, Jesus defended His Father when he said to Peter "Shall I not drink the cup my Father has given me?"

James 1:27 for an example of these two types of worship-attack and defense working together: "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Good Cheer

This morning I went by Starbucks to get my morning coffee. the usual: Vente Quad Half Caff, No Fat, No Foam, Latte. I ordered a muffin too and sat at a small table close to about 8 to 10 people sitting together. I have seen these people together week after week. There are several different groups that meet at Starbucks all the time. (I normally see them as I swiftly get my coffee and leave promptly to go to work. )Their conversations were really funny and I caught myself listening and then laughing out loud. A few of them looked over and saw me and I kinda quieted up. I liked the people and wished I could have just joined in. I didn't though. I thought it would be brash and rude of me. As I was walking out and driving off, I was thinking how fun it would be to meet people every week at a certain time to sit and visit over coffee. That is just so special to me. What a blessing to have that in one's life. It's what's been referred to as a core nucleus. It takes,time, work and commitment on the part of every person. I have alot of friends, but they are scattered and many that don't know one another. I don't have 10 friends that live close enough together to make that possible. I think it would work if this group of people had a common interest. Could I influence others to feel the same importance to this that I do? As you read this, what do you think about this? Is it something you see as special to have in your life? Please pray and seek the Lord if He desires this for you. If so, give me a call!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Strive for Holiness

I hear the phrase alot from christians "I've turned it all over to the Lord & I let him live His life through me." So, if all we are to do is turn it over to Him, does it not seem sorta a passive approach? When the apostle Paul said he had learned to be content (PHILLIPIANS 4:13) I believe he recognized it was his responsibility to be content and to not just turn it over to the Lord & trust Him to do the work of being content. Paul had to work at it and he knew he could only be content through the Lord, who gave him strength. Because of his union "In Christ" he was able by faith to rely upon Christ working in him through His spirit. Paul did not say "Christ shows contentment through me" Rather he said " I have learned to be content through Him who gives me strength"

The apostle Paul urged Timothy to discipline himself to be godly. He had a responsiblity to train himself, yet at the same time he recognized his dependence on the Lord. Paul didn't mean for Timothy to discipline himself in his own strength and willpower, but to be strong in the grace- that is the strength-that is in Christ Jesus. To pursue holiness there must be discipline on our part, but also dependence on the Lord. As we depend on the Lord, He enables us to live a life pleasing to Him.

Some years ago, I was struggling to love a christian sister. God spoke to me about my lack of love for her and I sensed He said to me "If I love her, can you?" I responded " Lord, I can't but I'm willing for You to love her through me." Over time I came to love this person & we are very good friends. Did Jesus then love her through me? No, He enabled me to love her. We are not passive in this pursuit of holiness. We are the one's who love. We are the ones who clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience (Colossians 3:12)But, we do this in utter dependence on Him who gives us strength!

Do I think we don't always sense that strength, you bet. How about when I fail, when I weep over a sin I've committed? Could it be that the Lord is showing me the sinfulness of my own heart? Could it be that I had been depending on my own efforts and how weak I really am and how dependent on Him I really am? Maybe it's spiritual pride and a good cause for me to grow in humility. He best knows how to respond to our dependence. We can plant and we can water, but it is the holy spirit who makes us grow. We must keep in balance our discipline/dependence in the pursuit of holiness and be aware of our tendency to put our confidence in the performance of our disciplines. Remembering Christ's words " Apart from me, you can do nothing." Through the discipline of prayer , we can grow in a conscious sense of dependence on Christ knowing we are utterly helpless without Him.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

baby boy days shorter

Last week we had a baby shower for our daughter & her fiance. We had so much fun! We had a house full of people. She was so happy to see so many who had come. We played some games too. Just a couple of months left and the little guy will be here.
This month has been a whirlwind of activity for me. I could write about a lot of things going on, but I'll save getting you in the whirlwind! Life is speeding by and I put in a full day. I praise the Lord each and everyday. When my eyes open in the morning, the first thing that happens is I realize I woke up in my bed and then I close my eyes again and tell Jesus "Good Morning Lord" "I love you Lord" "Thank you for Loving me Lord"
Now it is the end of the day and I've been sitting here singing and rehearsing the songs we are singing at church tomorrow.
So I'm going to end this short blog with this song it my heart:
You're the love of my life
You're the joy of my morning
You're the song of my heart
and I will praise your holy name
singing- ha-le-lu-jah-----ha-le-lu-jah-
singing-ha-le-lu-jah- and I will praise your holy name.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Only By His Grace

Being spiritually transformed comes by the power of the Holy Spirit. Yet, I know that we are involved in that process. It is only by God's grace that we are able to work out our salvation. I want to live by Grace, not by my performance. I don't want to live believeing that God's blessings are a condition of my spiritual behavior. An example would be like when I have a good spiritually uplifting day. Can I forfeit God's blessings when I have a bad day? No I can't because I know that I don't earn God's favor due to my performance. Wether I have a good or bad day does not limit or add to God's blessings on my life or the life of others. I am never good enough on my own performance or worthy enough to deserve His blessings, I just know that His Grace is available and enough on both my good and bad days. That is what Christ did for us when He died on the cross for our sins. This is what is amazing too....that we sin all the time....even in our good days. I sin in my thoughts, in my words, in my actions and in my performance. I wonder sometimes if I have fully grasped that Christ has already borne the curses for our disobedience and earned for us the blessing of obedience. We are saved by grace and we are to live by his grace alone. It is only by trusting Christ alone as our hope secured that we receive His blessings of grace.

Dear Heavenly Father-
Have mercy on me a sinner
I kneel at the foot of the cross
where you died for me
This is the place where I feel your burning light
Where your love shines the brightest
It is there that I confess my sins to you
& the grace you provide for me when
I fall day after day
May your glorious love for me compel me
to live an obedient & holy life
For where you are, grace abounds .
May I continue to learn and grasp day by day
your saving grace knowing that I am undeserving of it.
In Jesus's name

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Just checking in to let you know I haven't forgotten about this blog. I've been really busy with alot of change since writing last time. This month is almost over. The time sure flies by!
I've spent time with my family early in the month. I found a way for all my brothers and sisters to get together at least one time a year! I've got 4 brothers and 6 sisters!~ Coming from a large family, it's hard to get everyone at the same place at the same time....! What I created I have called "4 Times a Year" and it has been successful. In January 2007, I got the calender out and picked out 4 dates in each season & posted them on our family website. Of course the one in winter is Christmas...! Everyone makes that one! I asked for someone to volunteer to take a date and have it at their home. We meet together over lunch or dinner and spend the rest of the time just visiting and catching up on each other's lives. If you can make 1 of the dates that is good. But, if you can make more than one, that is excellent! This time was such a blessing. It was over my Dad's new home. I really like the effort & priority everyone is making to be together.

Just prior to this, the Lord impressed upon my heart a strong desire to take captive His voice and by His grace, He has given me his strength & the discipline needed to resist putting anything in my mouth He didn't want me to. I know I couldn't do it without Him pursueing me. It's been a spiritual fast, receiving spiritual food instead of cluttering His temple with what is not good or of any nourishing value.

I went to my Pathways refresher last week and it was such a blessing to be in the room again. The one thing that I was struck with is the honesty & love in the room. The main reason I see that it works is because of how God has designed his creation to need one another and how being in a room full of people sharing at a heart level in this safe place.... is a need in itself... that God has put into each person He created. Nothing monumental has to happen after they leave those doors because it took place within those doors. They experience what love is and they figure out over time how to get it and how to receive it. I pray for each one that they as well know that God is pursuing them and they hear his voice calling them. If your a believer in Jesus Christ, you know that our life is to be given away. May each one experience that kind of love and for those who have found it & received it, May they love the Lord with all their hearts, with all their souls, with all their minds, and all their strength.

I've got 3 more classes in Bibliology & Hermaneutics left. Every christian should take this course. I am definately going to take all 6 courses.
Pastor George's leadership class has been well worth it too. These two classes have been instrumental in my life. They make beautiful music together!

On the home front, my husband is getting underway with jobs interviews and my daughter has moved back home with us for support & to have her baby here. She's become a wonderful chef! She's cooking fabulous meals for us! Our son is progressing well this college semester and likes his new part time job. He's wearing his hair long. I'm getting use to that. He's mostly had the extreme (some times bald) hair styles. My business and the one at the spa are a blessing as well. The Lord has given me plenty of opportunity to shed his love with others. I just get tears in my eyes when I think of how much the Lord has done for us by giving His all. I so want to please Him and I know I already do. I know there's not anything I can do for Him to love me more.....that's not it...It's just what He puts inside of us....HIMSELF! That sure is humbling. I know I am nothing apart from Him.
It's time for sleep!

Thursday, October 4, 2007


This is my devotional from this morning & I wanted to share it with you. It has stuck with me and I hope it does for you too

Nancy Leigh DeMoss:

"We have no right to be believed so long as we can be explained." Pastor Adrian Rogers said that at a conference years ago, and it's stuck with me. "We have no right to be believed so long as we can be explained."
A lot of what takes place in the Christian world today can be easily explained in human terms. We rely on natural human efforts and energy, human abilities and plans.
But have you ever wondered what would happen if God's people began to operate in the realm of the supernatural? What if we believed Him for the impossible: for broken marriages to be healed? For salvation for unbelieving friends? For transformation of wayward children? For a fresh outpouring of God's Spirit in genuine revival?
When the world begins to see the reality of God's power in our lives, when we can no longer be explained, we'll have earned the right to be believed.
With Seeking Him, I'm Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Friday, September 28, 2007

lightbulb moment

I was driving over to a friend's house last night who really needed a massage. I was just driving along when all of a sudden I was thinking about a comment I'd made earlier to a client at the spa. We were talking about food that was good for the body. I started telling her about my recent reading in Genesis about Joseph & how the Lord was with him and that he was able to interpret the Kings dreams that there would be 7 years of abundance and 7 years of famine. So the King made Joseph in charge of the palace & all of Egypt. He collected & stored huge amounts of grain to be prepared for the coming 7 years of the famine. I went on to say that I didn't understand why the people of Canaan and Egypt didn't eat their livestock if they were starving to death. They went to Joseph and exchanged their animals for grain. I concluded that just maybe God had originally intended for animals to help us and not for us to eat them. Also, that grain was far more valuable nutritionally. Anways, back to my driving along....Here I was driving along and I heard that still small voice say
"Seeds reproduce"
The seed is what would save their lives. Just as Christ gave his life in exchange for our lives, He asks us to plant seeds to reproduce over and over again what He himself had done for us. The Egyptians ended up selling their own bodies for the seeds and did not die. Plant a seed, you just might save a life!

Monday, September 24, 2007


In reading my devotional in Oswald Chamber's book "My Utmost For His Highest" I was awestruck by the single thought "If we don't go where Jesus is going, we don't have companionship with Him"
The christian life is constant. It's not sometimes. It's not when I feel like it. It's not later. It's the one single thing in our life that should never change. We change careers, we change our hair style, we change in our ways of thinking and even in the food we thought we didn't like. The missionary's goal is to move in step with Jesus and to be in His will by doing the father's will. There was nothing in Jesus's life that distracted, discouraged, postponed, or resisted Him from doing His Father's will. It was the same from the moment He was born to the moment He was placed on the cross. Jesus's goal or purpose was to die to save us for an eternity with Him.
The other night while attending Pastor George's leadership class, one of the students spoke so clearly to my heart as if Christ was talking straight to me. She quoted what Christ himself had said of His Father.
"I only do what my Father tells me to do"
I know it not humanly possible to be perfect like Christ. A perfect life. A perfect world. Only the Lord can truly do that. I can't wait for perfection to come. I can't wait to see Jesus. Please forgive me Father as I try to live only to do what you tell me to do. Until then, I wait for that perfect day with no distractions or changes. Just the will of the Father in total completeness!

Saturday, September 22, 2007


This was passed on to me from a good friend. Like her, I had to share it!

Some years ago, on a hot summer day in south Florida
a little boy decided to go for a swim in the old
swimming hole behind his house. In a hurry to dive
into the cool water, he ran out the back door,
leaving behind shoes, socks, and shirt as he went.
He flew into the water, not realizing that as he
swam toward the middle of the lake, an alligator was
swimming toward the shore.
His father working in the yard saw the two as they
got closer and closer together. In utter fear, he
ran toward the water, yelling to his son as loudly
as he could. Hearing his voice, the little boy
became alarmed and made a U-turn to swim to his
father. It was too late. Just as he reached his
father, the alligator reached him. From the dock,
the father grabbed his little boy by the arms just
as the alligator snatched his legs. That began an
incredible tug-of-war between the two. The alligator
was much stronger than the father, but the father
was much too passionate to let go. A farmer happened
to drive by, heard his screams, raced from his
truck, took aim and shot the alligator.
Remarkably, after weeks and weeks in the hospital,
the little boy survived. His legs were extremely
scarred by the vicious attack of the animal. And, on
his arms, were deep scratches where his father's
fingernails dug into his flesh in his effort to hang
on to the son he loved. The newspaper reporter, who
interviewed the boy after the trauma, asked if he
would show him his scars. The boy lifted his pant
legs. And then, with obvious pride, he said to the
reporter, "But look at my arms. I have great scars
on my arms, too. I have them because my Dad wouldn't
let go."
You and I can identify with that little boy. We have
scars, too. No, not from an alligator, but the scars
of a painful past. Some of those scars are unsightly
and have caused us deep regret. But, some wounds, my
friend, are because God has refused to let go. In
the midst of your struggle, He's been there holding
on to you. The Scripture teaches that God loves you.
You are a child of God. He wants to protect you and
provide for you in every way but sometimes we
foolishly wade into dangerous situations, not
knowing what lies ahead. The swimming hole of life
is filled with peril - and we forget that the enemy
is waiting to attack. That's when the tug-of-war
begins - and if you have the scars of His love on
your arms, be very, very grateful. He did not and
will not ever let you go.
Please pass this on to those you love. God has
blessed you, so that you can be a blessing to
others. You just never know where a person is in
his/her life and what they are going through.
Never judge another persons scars, because you don't
know how they got them. Also, it is so important
that we are not selfish, to receive the blessings of
these messages, without forwarding them to someone
Right now, someone needs to know that God loves
them, and you love them, too - enough to not let
them go.
"Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted
among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."
Psalms 46:10

Thursday, September 20, 2007

We are blessed!

Okay, the last entry I posted I ended it by saying I want to live seeing what God is doing. This past week God has answered some of my prayers that I've so wanted and have waited for in two instances. These prayers are what I feel in my heart are from the bible verse that says "Delight yourself in the Lord & He will give you the desire of your heart" These are prayers that I believe the Lord wanted.

My husband stopped working 7 days a week which allows us to go together to church on Sunday morning. He also joined in with me on Monday nights for Pastor George's 7 month leadership class which requires daily bible reading. He also is joining in on a new men's small group!
My husband has been working over 2 years 7 days a week. Two days ago he finally got the call he's been waiting for. He got a 60 day notice from the job he's been working at for 20 years!
The Lord is teaching us both to be leaders. Leaders with influence that will help others raise the lid on their influence with others. What could God have up ahead for us?

I committed to to take my passion for massage to another level by attending workshops. I've got 1 more to go and that will make it 9 for this year. I've learned alot about specific injuries like carpel tunnel, rotator cuff & scalene entrapment, chronic back problems, infant & prenatal massage, cranial sacral therapy & sciatica. I've learned alot about deep tissue techniques & trigger point and stretching. Anyway, I just found out the spa I work at is turning into a "Med Spa". The minute I heard about it, my heart leaped. The Lord has really empowered the place with some outstanding godly people over the last few months. My boss says that the Lord is the one making the changes and she is listening. It's been a passion of mine and I can see more clearly how God wants to use His people there at the spa. Slowly but surely the Lord is moving in that place!

My daughter just left today to go back to start her new life again with her fiance . She is going to be a very good mother. One thing I pray is that she find her way to the church doors once again. My son is in his room right now writing a report for school. I know that it is very difficult for him to write. He dislikes that more than anything. I see God at work there too!

I just started the 2nd course of the theology program on Monday night. This one is Bibliology and Hermaneutics. It's going to be a challenge. Bible history and interpretation are two areas I want to know about. It's incredible that of all the books in the world, this one is eternal. It will never die! & it's history is a treasure to seek as well. I'm excited to learn what God has for me there.

Heavenly Father
You are the omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient true God of the universe. Thank you Lord for your presence in big and small ways. I thank you for being the best teacher, the best friend anyone could have. I thank you for loving me and for being my life, my fill when I thirst, my hiding place, and the place I shine. I worship you this day and I thank you for opening up my eyes to get a glimpse of what you are doing in my life, in the lives of my family, & in my clients. I aslo see too Lord how you are working in the lives of my friends and I rejoice.
I ask that you keep me grounded in your word and in the center of your will. "I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit. Apart from me, you can do nothing. "
Help us to grasp and hold on to your word to light our way. I want to thank you for blessing our lives & teaching us how to live.
"I have come so that you may have life and have it more abundantly"
To know you is to trust you...
"I will never leave you nor forsake you"
In the name above all names
Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A blessing from above!

It is a precious little boy! By the end of January, we'll be grandparents- I wonder what plans God has for this little one? As I write that the holy spirit illuminates the words of Christ when He said " I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope & a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." I pray that very thing with the Lord for my little grandson. A new member of the family !

The road is not clear and we can't see ahead and no plans are certain. What in life is? Only one thing is. That is His love.

The other night the Lord asked me: " Do you trust me"? Do you trust me to know I'm aware of everything that's going on!" "Look back and see that I was there and know that I am God and I am here now" "Be still and know that I am God"

The spirit led me to focus in on what He is doing in the lives of my children, my husband, myself, my grandchildren, my friends, and my family. He's working out plans far beyond my comprehension. I believe that while things look rather glum, the Lord is working behind the scenes and is the great multi-tasker extraordinaire. He's much more interested in what is going on inside while we as humans want to judge things by what we see or think we know. For only God can see what's inside a person's heart. Then he led me with a visual of Joseph's life. I saw that through his life was the power of what God does. Although it was really looking pretty darn glum, the Lord had a purpose we can't always see and sometimes miss while the going is rough. It is the evidence of what God can turn around...I rejoice in the good times. I rejoice in the uncertain times. I rejoice in the pain, persecution, & what ever the Lord allows because I know he will do great things for all those he loves & those that love him. What Jesus did in the life of Joseph was to bring many to himself. The life Joseph lived was an example that harm was meant for good.
Where ever evil is God is in control and will use it and make something good out of it that couldn't be done by anyone other than Him. Our circumstances good and sinful will not derail what God wants to accomplish. It is means by which the Lord uses for the purposes of drawing ourselves and others to Him. I just forget..not much different than the Israelites..I'm humbled by His grace & mercy & that He doesn't hold it against me.
I want to live a life focused on what God is doing ! +
Genesis 50:19-21
But Joseph said to them, "don't be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God inteded it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. So then, don't be afraid. I will provide for you and your children."

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Let nothing consume us but Jesus

Right this minute
I need to relax
my heart hurts
and my brain is tired

I close my eyes
and in the stillness
you are there
bringing comfort and peace

What was stressing me
is put into perspective
as it is taken out of my hands
& into your hands

No place loves us like
his mercy, grace, and peace
Thank you Dear Father
forgiven and set free

I came to you tonight
for I have sinned
and you have brought me to you
and in your presence now
I feel a conviction coming on
it was from fear
the root cause:
wanting to get my own way

Just as quickly as it came
I was not thinking of you
I quickly saw how I was
living without you

I lay that fear at your feet
I know you have a plan
I will not be afraid
I will put you first

You plant my feet on solid ground
You plan and direct the path
You take away the sin
You are the first and the last
the beginning and the end
a cleansing and consuming fire

Saturday, August 25, 2007


Today at the spa there seemed to run a similiar thread throughout the day. Today was great fun and I laughed alot. Every one of my clients laughed alot too. I mean REALLY laughed.

I was the first one to arrive at the spa this morning. I decided that I was going to put some new music in all 5 discs. I hit the repeat button twice like I do to my personal CD player so that all 5 discs will continue to play in turn throughout the day.

Turns out, the first song played over and over again for 90 minutes. My client began to laugh hysterically about 20 minutes into her session. I began to laugh with her because she was laughing so hard. Everytime the song started up again we'd laugh real hard together. Nobody else noticed the song playing over and over again, it was hard to believe it! She was a good sport being a mother of 4 children under the age of 7, she was use to repetition.

My second client started laughing about the time the second song started to play. It sounded like a mexican chant song! She started waving her hands in the air like an orchestra leader! We both started cracking up! Ironically, by the end of the massage she was sound asleep!

My third client was the kicker. After she had settled onto the massage table and I walked in, the first thing she said to me was "Who was that playing on the CD?" I couldn't believe it. I was thinking she must hate this music too! I was thinking to myself I sure picked the winning CD's this morning and I began to laugh out loud. She started laughing too not knowing why and I explained to her that something about the CD's I put in the player this morning has caused alot of chuckles today. She told me she absolutely loved the music and wanted to know who it was and if we had it for sale! She wanted it for her son's engagement party and from there she never stopped talking & laughing throughout her massage.

I don't know what happened to the sound of the music with my last client. It just seemed to disapear into the background. This woman had had a visit with her chiropractor yesterday for an adjustment in her neck and he sent her to his massage therapist who severely bruised both her trapezius muscles. It was awful. She also had lymphodema in her left arm from having had breast cancer 12 years ago and never wore one of those arm braces recommended. I was reluctant to give her a massage but I was glad I did because she had an emotional release during the massage with sighs of smiles and laughter. She had a pleasant smile on her face and said she would definately be coming back in.

I came home and shared this with Steve and he also reminded me that this "music redundancy thing" happened on our vacation as well. We were sitting there eating breakfast while that country song "That's the way love goes babe" played on and on and on. We found it funny then too that nobody else seemed to notice but us two!

It's fun to laugh at silly nothing! It connects people and puts us at ease.

Thank you for the medicine Lord.....! It does our soul good!

Proverbs 17:22 "A cheerful heart is good medicine"

Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Hill Country

My husband and I just returned home tonight from a short vacation to the Hill Country. We had a good restful time. We saw lots of wildlife and exotic animal ranches along the way. What a neat way to live.
Getting away from the usual routine of my daily life, brings me a new perspective on how I want to live my life. Every time I go on vacation, I see how busy my life is. Everytime I go on vacation, I experience the blessings God has given me that I take for granted in my busyness.
The last few days I've been at a slower pace. I don't want to live life in a hurry. I want to experience and appreciate the beauty of a single flower, a child's smile, a warm "hello" & live a life through a lense of gratitude.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Heaven Means Forever

My daily reading:

Ezekiel 43:7

"This is where I will live among the Israelites Forever"

In these chapters about the rebuilding of the Temple in the tiniest detail, it reminds me of how much our Lord knows every detail about us. In the same way, He reveals a little at a time about himself to us.

In this descriptions of the details of rebuilding the temple, I see Him preparing us of what is to come as it is written in Rev. 22. Our imagination is small & he reveals this vision to Ezekiel for us to understand. He speaks of a place called heaven that will exist with God Himself as the Temple.

This verse is filled with hope and a promise for those who believe in Him. They will dwell with Him forever.

Dear Heavenly Father-

I am grateful that you have plans for those who love you & have placed their faith alone in you. There's not a single day that your not in the details. May all those who love you feel your presence & know your in all the details & that you live within us forever.

To Him be the glory forever-


Friday, August 17, 2007

Awaken the Soul

I discovered a new musician. He is an international steinway pianist and his music is powerful, breathtaking, restorative & moving, & very relaxing ...savor the time while listening. It is beautiful!
check him out:
*within the site, click on MUSIC & then click on any of the CD's listed and you will be able to hear briefly a few of selected songs.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Stephanie Ministries

Yesterday I received a call out of the blue from someone whom I've never met. I knew it had to be a wrong number cause the area code was unfamiliar. As the conversation progressed & unfolded, I realized the holy spirit was at work. This woman shared a vision the Lord had given her and she was just following through. I believe it to be an answer to a prayer I had longed for. I spoke with my husband about it and he as well was in agreement with me. As my husband and I embraced with tears in our eyes we realized the Lord had made a way in which surprised both of us. It overwhelmed us. We surely would have never in all our days figured out the creative way the Lord was answering this specific prayer. He's working while we are unaware and it just amazes me. The Lord surprises us in the most unexpected ways. He is so good! I believe this woman has been put into our lives for this purpose & in my heart I think there's more to come. I just don't know yet. When it does, you better believe I'll be posting about it!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Comfort in Touch

I love my work. I love what I do. It's more than making a living. It is a blessing to my heart each day. Yesterday (friday) I was blessed by a client I hadn't seen in a while. She's been coming to me for massage for almost 2 years now. She let's me in on her life and when life gets rough, she comes in for a healing touch. When you touch someone in love, it takes away the person's fear and they let love in their heart. I beleive that is why Jesus told his disciples not only to look at his nail scarred hands, but to touch them too. They could really see because their hearts where wide open. That's what touch does....it opens the heart to receive love. She shared that her mother had passed away & then while at her mother's funeral, her aunt had a heart attack . A few days later, she moved her uncle into her home for about 2 weeks when he stood up one day and fell and died of a heart attack. She shared how blessed she was that the Lord had made it possible for her mother to live with her & to take care of her the last 5 months of her life. He reassured her that she did all she could do to help her mother especially being there with her to comfort her in her very last breath.

Today (Saturday) I also had a client I hadn't seen in awhile. She's a real nice lady. She had her first real full body massage today. Normally, she has reflexology to the hands and feet. I guess she's been coming since February. Something about her smile reminds me of my own mother.

Anyways, she also came in for some healing touch. She also had experienced 2 deaths last week of 2 people close to her. The Lord really showed off with her massage. He allowed me to give her just what she needed. I felt like hugging her, but I didn't!

I was reminded of what Jesus said. I felt inside their loss. I felt inside the longing of one more day. But, I also felt a peace. I asked the Lord to comfort them and give them His peace...that only He could give. I prayed that they would feel his touch in their hearts the lonely hours right before sleep. I prayed that the fear of death would subside being replaced by all the wonderful memories of time well spent with them. I prayed they could still rejoice within their mourning.

"Rejoice with those who rejoice. Mourn with those who mourn." Romans 12:15

"Look at my hands and feet. It is I myself! Touch and See" Luke 24:39

Monday, July 30, 2007


You are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God's people and members of God's household. Ephesians 2:19

I've been asked to lead the prayer ministry for the worship team at Grace. What an honor it is to pray for others. I'm looking forward to this fall season and to try some new ideas in regards to a more prayerful focus. I've been with the worship team for about 10 years now and it has blessed my life so much to sing on the team to glorify the Lord & to pray for those on the team. I realized a few months ago that it is the one ministry that has been a staple for me. It's like I gotta have it. I've been involved in other ministries but this one is the one that has been continuous for me. When I'm up there in the choir singing with everyone it feels so good and so natural. I know the Lord is pleased and something so pleasurable becomes apart of who you are. There always seems to be a song in my heart as I go about my day. I can sing anytime I want to the Lord and I do ALL THE TIME! Prayer is another thing that touches my heart about the same way...but in another way. Prayer is talking to Him. Plain and simple. Prayer is listening to Him. Prayer and worship are two links to connection that are so powerful. Both become a response to His presence. The worship team choir has been off all summer long and it seems so long. I'm looking forward to our reunion and for it to reestablish our family connection. Isn't that what connecting is really all about- being like family? We have a strong link connecting us!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

spiritual act of worship

This week I have been doing a nutritive cleanse. I wanted to do this because I thought it would be a good start to better health. I haven't been feeling physically well due to some weight gain and poor eating habits. The first two days were pretty rough. The shake I've been drinking has 11 grams of fiber. I noticed I wasn't hungry but I was having food cravings for the junk I normally eat. By the fourth day, I was feeling really good and noticed an increase in my energy level & I had better mental clarity. I tell you what, I'm so glad I finally did this. It took me 3 weeks to take this plunge. It's hard to give up eating all that stuff you know is not good for you.

I realize now that food is a temptation for me to sin. I let it get the better of me. By giving up and putting good things in my body, I have gained much more than the loss of 6 lbs. I'm releasing this to Jesus to help me through. I don't want to live a double life. I want what I know to match up on the outside of me. I'm all about health and wellness. I'm all about wanting what the Lord wants for me. I want my body to be a living sacrifice means how I take care of the physical body he has given me.

It's time for me to sacrifice the food that stands in the way of total commitment to God.

The picture here is the place called Skull Hill. They call it that because of the indentation of the skull face within the rock....This is also Golgotha & a stones throw from the garden tomb where they put Christ's body. Abraham was here with Isaac. I want to be like Abraham who sacrificed his own son Isaac. He was whole heartedly committed to God knowing full well that it is God who will provide for all of his needs. God provides all my needs. Could God be testing me? I think he is. Lay it down . Lay it down at the altar.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

To Truly Worship God

I heard a preacher on the radio and his message has stuck with me all day. He was preaching about worship. He had 5 points he was going to talk about but he only had enough time to share 3 of them. Here they are:

In order to truly worship God :


He mentioned Thomas. This disciple had some doubts about Jesus's resurrection. He couldn't fully engage because of his mistrust. If we have any doubts or mistrust in who or what Jesus is or what he can do, we can not fully worship him with our full blooded emotions. Jesus asks us to trust him. Delighting in Him is conforming our lives in commmitment to His will and His way.

Delight yourself in the Lord & he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to him and he will do it. Psalm 37:4-5


He mentioned Paul talking to the roman citizens about their faith & how he wished to impart to them mutual encouragement to keep one another strong in the faith. Not like some who had supressed the truth by their wickedness. The bible says in (Romans 1: 21) that although they knew God, they neither glorifed him as God, nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. They stopped using their mind to worship the Lord and it became useless. Our efforts at any attempt to worship the Lord without our mind, will be wasted. Our bodies follow suite to what comes out of our minds.
Romans 12:1 says it best:

"Therefore, I urge you brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is- his good and pleasing perfect will.


He talked about Matthew 5: 23-24. "Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother, then come and offer your gift." We can't fully worship the Lord in full surrender and with a humble heart when our relationships are cluttered with unforgiveness, anger, resentment, jealousy, and the like. Jesus said "Love one another as I have loved you." When we take the bread and wine in communion our earthly relationships must be restored so we can fully engage in worship to the Lord. If not, our ability to engage is not pure.
Worship is all about Him and seeking His heart. Devoted, simple, & obedient
How is your time with the Lord these days?

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

More than Skin (deep) Condition

I'm feeling a little down dooby do down down right now. When I woke up this morning I had decided I'd had enough. I did all I could do. The rash I've had on my body for the last 2 weeks was starting to go up to my face. It turns out I have a chronic skin condition called Eczema. No one knows for sure what causes it. Some findings conclude that it is hereditary, is some kind of allergic reaction possibly from certain food, circulatory problems in the legs, or allergens in the environment. Some studies show that stress may exasperate the condition.
I went to my doctor and he gave me a powerful cream to put on the areas two times a day. About two hours later I could see it was diminishing. Thank goodness! It was really getting to me. I don't know why I waited so long...actually I do know...I thought it would eventually go away and I was treating it myself. Boy, I sure can relate this to my flesh in a deeper way... intently as I look in the mirror....

When it finally sinks in that we have a problem, alot of damage has already taken place. We agonize and suffer needlessly thinking we got all the answers. We bring alot upon ourselves and others when we try to take care of everything we aren't meant to take care of. Self sufficiency hurts us and hurts others. Self sufficiency is saying we don't need God or others, but his seed planted in us from creation says that's impossible.
We were made to love and be loved in relationship to care for one another. It is the greatest commandment. How could we live without love? I can only imagine what Adam must have felt the first time he saw Eve. I would think he felt an instant connection and enormous love. She was part of him and he received life by the breath of God. That's relationship! But further still...the reality is "We love because He first loved us"

I want to look around at God's creation today in a new way. Think about all the details we can't even fathom... What a master plan he created and designed and how everything fits into place.
God created us to be in a loving & eternal relationship with Him....God created us to help one another. God created man & woman together to love one another. God created the heavens and the earth for us to have communion....
God gave us a choice....to return that love....
to remove the choice....would be to remove the love.

Thank you dear Lord for giving us the opportunity to have a relationship with you & to worship you. Thank you Lord for teaching us how to love one another & may we get better and better at loving one another the way that you love us. Help us remove the blinders we sometimes have on our eyes & to see into the heart of others rather than looking from outward appearances only. For it is only true love when it is given away and true love when it is freely received.
In the name of Jesus

Monday, July 16, 2007

Burning the midnight oil

You're far away
someplace so in need
in unfamiliar land

I pray tonight for great courage
strength beyond what you think you have
plenty of rest
Stillness and listening and obeying
to only what you know is coming from Him
for protection of angels
to guard your way
and safety in tight passages
I pray for your skin to be protected
from the heat, disease, and cool clean water to drink

I pray for you dear brave soldier & all those with you
fighting the good fight
of faith proclaiming his word fearlessly
to those who are in desperate need of a savior
May many be saved & lives and relationships be
restored & healed.
I also pray for a new church to emerge in the area
& many step up in leadership due to your example of love,
mercy, and grace.
In the name of precious Jesus

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Fish Story

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith- and this is not from yourselves,-it is the gift of God- not by works, so no one can boast" Ephesians 2:8

I mentioned in an earlier post about getting a fish tank. I've been taking good care of them by feeding them everday, changing the filter, & adding conditioned water to the tank on occasion. What I wasn't expecting was green algae growing on the sea shells I have in the tank for decoration. Something needed to be done before the algae got out of hand.
I went down to the pet store to inquire what I could do. Two interesting things the young man who worked in the fish department told me. First he asked me if I was consistant in turning the light out. He told me in scientific terms that by leaving the light on for longs hours only increased the algae growth. Secondly, he asked me if I had an algae eater. I have become consistant with turning the light out at night and I bought an algae eater. I gave the little fish a name and I call him "shrimpy" because he is the smallest fish in the tank.

No matter what I do, the Lord seems to let me know he is there. Even cleaning a fish tank and caring for fish. I focused in at looking at all the algae growing in the fish tank and I got a visual of what sin does to us. It keeps multiplying & clings to us and makes us dirty. But as I looked more intently I realized my focus was on me. That 's what sin is: a focus on me. And even further still,I realized If I kept it there I'd never be able to really know him & there would be distance in our relationship.

That brings me back to the fish tank. I put the algae eater in the tank and it wasn't long before he started eating up the algae, loving it as he did. When we let Jesus in to clean us up, loving us as he does, it changes our whole environment. It doesn't come automatic and yet he still loves us dirty or clean. It's not about what we do, or the work we do for him, but it's about knowing him as the apostle Paul wrote in Phillipians 3:10....We see Jesus in everyday tasks....He is in every thing we do...we are made alive in Christ....& everthing becomes about him. He gives us the gifts of grace & faith. So I will boast for what he does everyday for me to know him better. I will boast on the gift of grace and each day come to a better understanding of who he is.

Sunday, July 8, 2007


I marked my calendar free of everything to spend quality time with my best friend. When we get together, it is mostly at her house because she lives on a lake. It's comforting for her and its like I'm on a retreat. The lake to her is where her soul feels at home. We usually go for long walks and long talks. She packed a backpack and we headed for the lake. It is a special spot because it is her "special place". It is under a huge tree. Shortly after we arrived, we saw in the sky a "double" rainbow...It was the best one either one of us had ever seen. With all the recent rain, the water was getting really close to the retaining wall to her new home being built. I prayed a breath prayer that the "double rainbow" was a sign it wouldn't flood and reach the wall.
The setting couldn't be better. We had two comfortable chairs, 2 bottles of red wine, gazpacho, cheese and homemade bread. For ambiance, she started a fire; which in turn kept the mosquitos away. The wind was blowing just right. It was a great night! The neighbors next door started shooting off fireworks and we had a front row seat!
I know my friend pretty well. I learned something about her I pieced together in her creating this "ambiance" for us. It's not like I didn't know, I've just begun to see it in a new way. I started thinking of words to describe "ambiance" and it fit her so well.....words like atmosphere, environment, setting, flavor, feeling or mood. This place (the lake) is her ambiance....it means everything to creating peace and balance & well being in her life. And for her, it starts with AMBIANCE & I know she wouldn't want anything less! I love her so and I love this about her! I love the ambiance in her and where her heart is at home at the lake!

Love one another deeply, from the heart.
1 Peter1:22

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Joy breaks

We had a going away party last night for one of the massage therapist who is moving. We all really like her and will all greatly miss her. The gift that she gave to us as I see it, is her gift of bringing simple joy to each of our lives. Joy didn't seem to slip by her & she certainly brought it to us! When we would have short breaks in between clients, she told stories alot about her daily life and she always put a funny twist in the story. The more I think about it, she found the JOY in each moment regardless of the situation. She was the kind of person everyone wants to be around & she never met a stranger.

Dear Lord-
Thank you for this dear friend who has come into our lives for a little while. May what she gave each of us help us widen our vision for bringing joy into any situation...especially during breaks! Thank you dear Lord for the blessing of laughter & Joy she brought to our hearts. May it help us to see the ways we can bring this JOY to others.

Friday, June 29, 2007


"You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you" Acts 1:8

Life is a series of mountain highs and valley lows. Sometimes it seems it will never stop raining. Our circumstances seem so overwhelming and we are hurt. We see difficult times as totally negative instead of opportunites for growth. We want to grow and mature but we don't want to go through the fire to get there. We don't want to hurt. But, all the while, I hear the Lord say " I've got you...I'll keep you steady" I've got my grip on you and I won't let go"

This idea came to me the other day when a friend & I were talking about the time we helped our children learn to ride a bike. I remember holding the bike upright while my son pedaled and that moment I let go of the handlebar and the back of the seat. He had the momentum going just right. Similiar to our journey in living, there are times when we wobble along; scrapping a toe here, a small slip there. Sometimes a nose dive as we hit the ground. It's when we are on the ground that we hear the loudest "Don't stay down, get back up, keep the momentum going"

We learn that when we are at our weakest, His strength makes us strong.

I've often thought and said to the Lord " No Lord, this can't be happening" No Lord, not this. I don't think I can take it" "I don't think I can take much more" . I think about the Lord the night He was betrayed....He knew what was going to happen to Him. At the garden of Gesthemane He prayed in great anguish to His Father with his sweat falling to the ground like drops of blood "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me.....

I notice that immediately after surrending to His Father, ...An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. His momentum was strongest. He never lost sight of his mission and never lost sight of his father.

So where am I going with all of this...? The next time we wobble and loose our balance, have fear of falling , nose dive, or experience our own gesthemane ....The Lord is there with us and has sweated blood for us and gave the ultimate sacrifice willingly. He WILL accomplish His purposes to save and redeem all that we go through for our greater good just as he did 2000 years ago.
That momentum for every believer lives on.....His invisible hands gently direct & hold us up
As running in a relay race, we must take the baton from the one who has the power and from there we will keep the momentum.

Saturday, June 23, 2007


I attended a class today on CranioSacral Therapy. My thoughts were that it was going to be another good modality for helping people get relief from body pain. It is so much more than that. It's kinda hard to explain. It just works.

We watched a film about vietnam veterans who were suffering with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) & the result was that they rid their mind & body of the residual affects of trauma resulting in a remarkable improvement in the central nervous system (consists of the brain & spinal cord)because of the releasing of restrictions in the cranial system.

I learned that the cerebral spinal fluid that circulates from your brain all the way down your spinal column and back up to your brain has a rythm all it's own at a rate of about 6 to 10 beats per minute; apart from your heart beat ranging from 60 to 100 beats per minute, and apart from your lungs at a respiratory rate of 12-18 beats per minute. This cranial pulse is so faint that it could be quite a long time before I can discover it. It is a skill to be acquired. Also, the serous membranes that surrounds your heart, lungs, stomach& intestines, and the male testes does not circulate. It is there for protection and ease of friction. Your brain & spinal cord have a different membrane called meninges which contains 3 layers of protection called the Pia Mater, Arachnoid mater, and the Dura mater...how cool that that as an acrostic it spells out the word PAD! Our Lord does inside neat stuff like that! no pun intended! The cerebral spinal fluid CIRCULATES & ReABSORBS throughout your spinal column giving the body nutrition and removing waste. This is a unique system called the Cranial Sacral System. The CSF is produced in the center of your brain called the charoid plexus. Anytime there is and abnormality in the body or blockage there will be an increase in cranial pressure. Your brain does make slight movement unseen by the naked eye!
Anyways, while I took a break for lunch I read the headline of the newspaper sitting there and saw the article about the "New Addiction" being video games. I hope they don't prescribe a pill for that. Couldn't a little touch ease an addiction? Think about the root causes of why addictions exist...there are all kinds these days..... Could a little touch so light as the weight of a nickel help someone overcome and rid their body of pain they have not knowingly or knowingly stored there? How about spinal cord injury, autism, migraines, scoliosis, stress, chronic fatigue, & fibromyalgia to name a few? That's what's happening with cranio sacral therapy.

Dear Lord-
Thank you for holding the whole world in the palm of your hand. Your hands are like no others. Your touch changes everything. Each time I study the human body I am awestruck by how it works and moves all perfectly together. May the way I live my life and the works of my hands reflect your glory and bring praise to you.
Lord, may there be more discoveries just waiting to be found of ways to heal verses popping pills to cover over the root cause of disease.....starting from the heart level and working out from there.
One other note Father is just like this cerebral spinal fluid is the core station of the physical body and is mysterious and can be undetected, if we take our mind out of it and feel it with our heart, it can be found. It is there . It is with you. Even though we can not see you, we can feel your presence and know that you are there. May you have the "Core" position in both our hearts and our minds.
In the name of Jesus

Thursday, June 21, 2007

New Friends

I had lunch with 2 new friends today. They are both about 10 years older than me. They both have children about 10 years older than mine. We shared some laughs and then talked about serious stuff like aging parents, our personal experience with one of each of our parents death and the grieving process. One subject I'm hoping doesn't occur and that is when my children get old enough and totally on their own with families of their own and when it's time for a visit, they are way too busy and it becomes more like an obligation than just purely wanting to spend time with their parents. I got to thinking about myself with my own parents. Regardless if my parents had time for me growing up, have I grown complacent? My Dad got married last year and is very happy and I'm truly happy for him. Since he's been married, I have only seen him a handful of times because he is busy with his wife and her family alot. The rest of my brothers and sisters are pretty annoyed about it. He's just returned to the man he use to be.
I think the Lord is telling me, it's up to me if I want a relationship with my Dad. I've accepted the fact that my Dad & I didn't have any real communication or relationship while I was growing up and I have healed those wounds and discussed them with him. It's not like he has ever called me before just to see how I'm doing. After my mom died and the 5 years that followed we got closer as my Dad became more open to sharing himself and in turn I became more able to share myself with him. We had some great conversations about both our childhoods and I shared the gospel with him and sharing specifically about being saved by faith alone and not by works.
I know what I need to do and I see the value in having these two new friends. So many times we say to one another "Hey, let's have lunch sometime and get together" and then time passes and it never happens. These two new friends want what I want too and I also want that with my Dad.
Friends are God's way of speaking to us with His Love

Monday, June 18, 2007

Happy Father's Day!

To My Husband

Through the years I have seen you grow. I have seen a boy turn into a real man. A man of God. A forgiven and humble man.
I feel your love for me more than anyone else I know.
I love your servant heart and how you love me not so much with words, but with little acts of kindness. You take care of your family before your own needs and always see that we have what we need. Daily you take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
You are faithful, available, dependable, & my best friend. I see how your heart has grown tender and are a man able to love and be loved; a man after God's own heart!
"Happy Father's Day" my love

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Scarlet Rose is 5 yrs. old today!

The 14th of June 2002-

God has big plans for you little one
He made your unformed body
in your mother's womb

God has big plans for you little one
Your father in heaven saw to it
that you were placed by your mother
with a family to give to you her very best

It was an agonizing choice to make
& the road has been tough without you
But, like the Lord above sacrificed His life for us
true love never fails. It goes all out for those it loves.

The one prayer I pray is that you know of this love for you from your father in heaven
and that if we don't meet you this side of heaven, we will see you there eternally!
Happy Birthday Dear Abigail Rose!

I love you
from your biological Grandma Kelly

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A special girl

I pray to the Lord for this special girl I'll be seeing every week on Mondays & Wednesdays. She is a new client.
I'll be massaging her hands, feet, & legs to stimulate the nerve endings & aid in circulation.
You see, she's paralyzed from the chest down.
She is 19 yrs. old & a C6 quadriplegia.

She just got back with her family from Russia
She received her first round of stem cell injections into her spine
She now has movement in both thumbs and
sensation in one index finger.

I know I must not try to go into this by looking at the outcome -
That's not my job.
My job is to be the care giver
she is the care receiver
and Christ is the cure giver

Dear Father
You are Love
more than I can comprehend
You bring good things to all you touch
You are the radiance of God's glory,
the morning star
I turn to you to touch me
as a servant on bended knee
Help me Lord to radiate you in all your
wondorous ways and be a light of your hope
to one so precious to you. I ask of nothing of what I can do,
but only what you alone can do through me. I know nothing
of these plans of what you have planned in advance with this daughter of yours.
I believe you have orchestrated this whole thing . I'm excited and humbled and grateful
I get to be apart of this glorious work - not my work...but yours..not my will...but yours.
Thank you dear Lord for your love, compassion, and mercy
In Jesus Name-
This is Love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love. 2John 6

4 Weeks & 5 days!

That's creation in that picture....see the dot? That's an embryo...that's my grandchild. I had picked Molly up from work and as we were pulling into the McDonald's drive thru to pick up a quick burger she said "Mom, I gotta tell you something" As I gazed into her eyes I already knew what she wanted to tell me. I told her " I know what it is you want to tell me" There was a little pause as her eyes started to water. She said "How do you know?" I said "I don't know, I just saw it in your eyes" She said she was scared to tell me thinking I might be mad at her and disappointed in her. How could I be mad at her? I told her I gotta live with what life gives me and accept things as they are. Then something deep in my throat filled with gladness as I blurted out "I truly am happy for you Molly" She said in tears "Mom, thanks so much, God couldn't have picked a better time to allow this to happen." It is what it is. All I know is God offers new beginnings to those who return to Him & that children are a blessing from the Lord.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Moving on

It's been a crazy life for the past 3 weeks. Lots has happened. The Lord is faithful and so worthy to be praised. His love endures forever! Thank the Lord I'm on solid ground!
The Grace Community Church "All For You" CD project live concert was a huge success! There were about 500 in attendance to worship the King of Kings! I know that the Lord was blessed & worshipped authentically. It was an awesome experience to be apart of. I will miss singing in the choir all summer long as they've cancelled the choir during the summer months.
I got a fish tank and bought some fish. I chose 6 tiger barbs and a catfish to keep the tank clean. I set it up in my massage room. It adds a relaxing and tropical touch to the room and the fish are interesting to watch.
On the home front, Billy has signed up for some summer college classes. He's doing well and may go full time after the summer. We spent some time together and today he came over for a visit and to do his laundry. He's got some challenges and decisions to make and we talked about those.
Molly moved to New Orleans last week to live with her boyfriend and was able to see from the experience it wasn't going to work for her. I flew down to pick her up, her dog Minnie, and her stuff & met all the family. Then we all went to Cafe Du Monde for Cafe Au Lait and hot Beignets & to the jazz club her boyfriend's mother owns located in the French Quarter. It was a good visit and car ride home with Molly. I was blessed to sit next to an old woman who was blind on the plane ride down who had never been on an airplane before. I felt compelled by the Lord to love her.
Massage has been very busy and I have a few new clients. The one young boy client returned with his mom again and he told me that getting a massage reminded him of his Dad. When he was a little boy, he & his Dad would take turns rubbing each other's back. It was one of those endearing moments he remembers well spent with his father and he missed those long ago days. I felt special he had shared what was special to him with me. Another client told me about her adoption of two siblings from CPS. It brought tears to my eyes when she told me their story. The missionary from Bangkok had some miracle stories too of God's great power and mercy!
Steve and I have been very diligent on doing our bible study and praying together every morning. A few days we missed and it was like we disconnected. It so grounds us together. He's been marshalling for the Colonial Golf Tournament this week and enjoying it. Now we can get back on track.
Tomorrow we leave for Austin. Steve has a mediation to attend to and I think I may get a massage and do some shopping. A little get away is good.
The Lord's been speaking to me through his word and other people about leadership. He tells me that a leader is a person who sets an example by modeling it, a person who shows us how, and a person who passes it on. It is not necessarily one who leads an army of people, but can be one person at a time and that most of the time leaders don't even know that they are leaders.
Some people are born to be leaders (which has to do with personality) and some are not and is something to be learned and practiced. Anyways... if you have time...please let me hear your thoughts on leadership. I know there's lots of good books out there though and I have a few too.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Good Morning Sisters!

I pray a wonderful Mother's Day for each of you today! In reflecting my experience of being a mother, I have gained the most love, the most joy, the most patience, & the most growth. Being a mother has been one of the best life training & teaching moments for me. I will add the most pain: pain when you see your child hurting or sick. I wish I could take it away or put it on myself . It is the powerlessness I feel. The other pain to experience is when my child makes choices that are not what the Lord would want them to make. You all are eternal mother's with me. I know you will ALWAYS be with me in heaven and on earth. I thank the Lord for each one of you for your love, encouragement, wisdom, & strength. May the Peace & Joy of God in which we share & serve be like a ripple of water reaching out far beyond what we could imagine and when we both see Him face to face our Joy will be complete! God Bless each one of you today & always!


My photo
We are missionaries with The Brook Ministries in Costa Rica. We are here to help strengthen the church body of Jesus Christ & to fulfill His Great commission to the lost. At our conferences, my husband directs the recreational activities & excursions. I provide physical renewal with massage for the female attendees. We believe that regularly scheduled renewal of the body, mind, & spirit for ministry leaders in particular, will empower them to serve the Lord with renewed strength & perseverance to do what God has uniquely called them to do....SERVE & BUILD HIS CHURCH to the outermost parts of the world!